> And Dave, talk about OT! Suggesting I use Google Apps, or anything else,
> instead of even attempting to answer my question, isn't acceptable
> to this OP. I've had already looked at Gmail and found it unsuitable.
> And to suggest that you know best what my clients' need that I do,
> is terribly presumptuous.

You stated a set of requirements, and I pointed out that Apps met your
requirements. You listed a bunch of reasons you found it unsuitable,
and I pointed out the reasons you listed (selecting and deleting
emails, etc) weren't valid. I don't know anything about your clients,
but I do know that the problem you described, as you described it, can
easily be solved by using Apps.

I don't really care what you do with that information, but when you
post a question to a public list you should expect that people will
provide all kinds of answers to those questions. You may not like
those answers. That's ok, you're free to disregard them. But if you
post responses that say "x isn't a suitable solution because of y",
and y is not actually correct, people will tell you that. If you'd
just said "I'm not interested in Google Apps" without stating specific
and incorrect justifications, that would have been the end of it.

> The client's needs that I'm trying to address happens to be a NON-PROFIT
> USO organization who is trying to find solutions while keeping the cost
> at a minimum. And going from $50 per month to $500 per month for email
> isn't a wise use of their funds. Some of you who have to work as employees
> instead of having the skill-set (including the aforementioned people skills)
> to run your own business where you have to manage relationships with people,
> may think that if a business is *worthy* to exist, then it should prove
> it by purchasing costly and wasteful solutions to problems. But some
> organizations, and even for-profit businesses, prefer to try to find the
> least-expensive, yet effective solutions to meet their needs.

Fortunately for your nonprofit client, they can use Apps for
Nonprofits for free. I recently set up Apps for a Catholic diocese to
get them off of GroupWise, and they paid nothing.

And based on your responses here, I'm not sure I'd be talking up my
great people skills if I were you. But I do just fine managing
relationships with people, and have not been anyone's employee for
many, many years. Thanks for asking!

> AND some of us might have the audacity (hate to use that word because leaves
> a very bad taste in my mouth because of the idiot in the white house),
> to think we might be able to build a custom solution to our own problems that
> Google, or any other vendor can't come close to.

First, this is probably not the appropriate venue for us to air our
political beliefs.

Second, maybe you can build a custom solution that ... whatever. But
you originally stated a pretty simple problem, and I provided a simple
solution to that problem. I'm sorry that's got you so flustered, but
my advice to you is to get over it.

> Advice for those of you on high who seek to impart your wisdom from
> Mt. Olympus to us mere mortals: Answer the original, and *only* the
> original question. If the OP wants to go in another direction with the
> discussion, then let them. But don't hi-jack a thread with alternatives
> until the OP asks. At that point we won't have all this damned useless
> discussion.

I had no idea this was your mailing list. I thought it was a public
mailing list.

I'm going to have to ignore your advice. It's bad advice. People ask
all sorts of questions about how to do things, and sometimes those
questions aren't really the right questions to ask. Imagine if someone
posted on here that they wanted to save their client money, but they
wanted to build something that worked just like ColdFusion or Railo
etc and did not want to use ColdFusion or Railo themselves. Wouldn't
you feel inclined to point out that these already existed? Would that
be a wrong answer?

My advice, in turn, to you is that if you don't like free advice, ask
for your money back. And if you don't want a discussion to continue,
don't respond - especially with things that are factually incorrect.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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