Perhaps.  Every time I flirt with cfinsert/cfupdate I learn to love them
all over again and then some stupid thing like what the OP is experiencing
ruins my afternoon and I remember why I swore them off in the first place.
When I write straight SQL I experience extra wear on my fingertips but my
blood pressure stays lower.  So I take the lesser of two evils.

I'll try and actually make a useful suggestion insofar as debugging the
OP's actual problem is concerned:  When faced with these types of errors I
have found that by writing SQL I can oftentimes find what I typed wrong in
the cfinsert statement, assuming the error was my own (for gigantic inserts
I may write code a field at a time and test at each field addition until
the code either breaks in the middle or is completed).  If not, by the time
I am done I have a replacement for the code thats throwing me off and I can
move on.

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