Just ran a test and I can’t duplicate your server mapping functionality with a 
standard Apache/CF Connector server setup but I *can* duplicate that 
functionality when I tell Apache to serve an image MIME type (e.g. - .jpg, 
.png) through Coldfusion.  Is this how your setup is configured?  If so, 
yowsers on a few levels…. 

If you’re serving every MIME type with Coldfusion, then the reason you’re 
getting this behavior is because the request is being evaluated and served 
before the application is even being brought in to play.  CF is evaluating that 
file according to the path specified at the server level, not recognizing any 
CFML and then just passing it back to the browser without involving the 
Application at all.  You would never be able to get application-specific 
mappings to work for this purpose.

Once again, though, this would be attempting to use the web application server 
for a purpose it was not designed for and serving non-CFML MIME types through 
the Coldfusion server can have major security and performance implications.

- J

On Nov 26, 2013, at 2:39 PM, Eric Roberts <ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> 

> again...if it works with a cf mapping in cf admin...how is it not parsing
> the img tag?
> Eric
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Adam Cameron <dac.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes...cf does evaluate the img tag...
>> No. It absolutely does not. You are mistaken.
>> I'm not vaguely speculating as to what your problem might be: I know what
>> your problem is, and I know how it is you're mistaken about things. It's a
>> fairly common misconception people have. And both John and I are explaining
>> the problem, and giving you the answer. The other problem we're now faced
>> with is you're simply not listening for some reason.
>> --
>> Adam

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