On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:

> My bad: Why are people so vehemently opposed to CFForm?

Rule of thumb: Anything that is built into CF and spits out Java,
Javascript, Flash, or any other client side "parsed in the browser stuff"
should be avoided. Adobe has a roughly 18 month cycle on releases of
ColdFusion so it will be at least 18 months out of date as some point,
maybe 36 month if they skip updating it in a release.

That's essentially a lifetime on the client side.

You control the server side. So that code gets old and crufty, who cares?

You do not control the client side, it needs to be able to grow and adapt
alongside browsers as they evolve. Not on a 18-36 month release cycle
dictated by an outside vendor.


PS: Cough, cough, PhoneGap integration, cough, cough, bleagh....


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