On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Mike K wrote:

> I am thinking of a virtual server in the cloud,  moving to Linux and Railo
> from Windows2003 Server and ColdFusion.

We are working on a similar move with a client right now and here's what
advise I can give based on the decisions we made.

Only change one thing at a time. You're contemplating changing 3 things at
a time. If you are going to most hosts, move hosts and stay on Win/CF for
now. If the site is important to your business (and it sounds like it is)
am a big proponent of only changing one thing at a time.

It sounds like your real immediate problem is hosting, I would solve that
problem first. If you want to manage the servers yourself, look at Amazon
or RackSpace or one of the cloud providers and move to windows VMs running
there. Moving to a VM should be relatively straightforward and since this
is the most urgent thing, I would do this one first. It should be the
quickest, though you may have to deal with things like getting outbound
email routed/whitelisted properly.

I would bet you are thinking about moving to Linux/Railo since you're about
to be responsible for license costs all the sudden that you don't have and
are not cheap. Valid reason, but I would wait. Pay the extra money for the
short term and move the code over to Linux/Railo later.

Moving to Linux/Railo is not a bad move at all, and you can probably do
these at the same time. However, you're probably going to want to spend
some quality time with the code first. Sometimes it's easy as cake and no
modifications are required tot he code at all. Sometimes it's more complex.

I'm guessing you'll want to move to something like MySQL or another lower
cost DB server as well. Just make sure that you give yourself some time to
play with the Linux/Railo setup before you make the final move.

Lastly, you might take a quick peek at RightScale for cloud server
management / configuration management. It's basically Chef/Puppet scripts
you can glue together to automate server deployments across various cloud
platforms. The single user version is free last time I checked.



Cameron Childress
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