On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Andrew Scott <andr...@andyscott.id.au>

> where 0 = 0 looks like its obsolete in that query, in other words it
> shouldn't be needed if you have no if statements there. As you said it
> works on ColdFusion 10, what would happen if you removed the 0 = 0 or
> replaced it with 1 = 1?

There were originally "if" statements checking each filter value for
existence before adding to the WHERE clause which explains why the 0 = 0
was there. I tried removing the 0 = 0 as well as replacing it with 1 = 1
and the behaviour remained the same.

> When you say is ignored, are you saying records are returning or no records
> are being returned? You also don't indicate whether you have an error, so
> we can assume that what is calling this is working to some degree with
> records in the grid?

When I say is ignored, I mean that if a value is entered in one or more of
the filter fields, the result set is the same as if there were no WHERE
clause at all. There is no error that I'm seeing. So yes, records are
successfully populating the grid, there's just no longer an ability to
limit the number of rows returned based on the filter criteria.

> Also there is a huge push to remove any UI tags from Application code, it
> might pay to think about moving away from the likes of the current CF UI
> stuff.

I can understand this but I'm primarily interested at the moment with
getting the previously working functionality back before I start looking at
implementing a replacement.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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