Lots of great responses... Like I said I really hate the idea of moving. The
VPS sounds interesting and I believe Hostek offers that as well as

I have a pretty large SQL Server database with them now for my largest
client and its probably going to grow. I only have about 25 domains 1 of
them is on a Linux server the rest are all Windows CF servers. I am also
getting ready to add another one. 

I guess I can check into it and see what cost would be... the last thing I
need to do is increase my overhead. Right now I am paying Hostek about
$130/m for just the basic CF hosting for the 25 domains not counting the
adons and database cost. 

I would also want to make the transition as seamless as
possible...preferably my clients know nothing about the move. 

Does VPS handle everything? MSSQL Database, SmarterMail or just the websites
with Coldfusion?

I guess a lot of these questions I should be asking Hostek...


-----Original Message-----
From: Money Pit [mailto:websitema...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 6:02 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Is time for a change?

Could not agree more with Russ' comments on CF hosting in his blog.  I'll
never go back to shared hosting.  I've got a couple of Viviotech VPS' that
I'm pretty happy with.  One runs my personal stuff and old web site from
when I was a developer.  Another runs about 30 low-traffic sites that work
with my business.  A VPS is a great step up if you aren't ready to take the
plunge and pay for a full-on server.  Insofar as full-on servers are
concerned, nothing can match the hardware that you get at Cybercon, but then
again you are also expected to pretty much be self-sufficient, there.

Think about doing a VPS instead of shared hosting.  Just for starters you
get to keep all the hosting fees.

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