> I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a
 > bit. Basically, it works pretty well, as long as
 > there's a limited number of records being imported.

Was testing last night with the 15,000 record Excel sheet.
If I comment out the two filter queries in the code, it will read in the sheet 
and a cfdump of the array shows everything was imported properly. Didn't time 
it, but it only took a few minutes. Adding those two queries back in and trying 
to import the entire sheet - the server choked and I had to call support to 
reboot it. Whoops.

It's the two filter queries below that are slowing the whole thing down and 
choking the server. The one optimization I can think of is the look for 
duplicates query. Instead of running that against the entire database looking 
for matches (several hundred thousand records last time I checked), I should do 
a query of queries and run the loop ONLY against records for that one group, 
which I'd prefetch before starting the loop. That should help a lot. Working on 
that now...

One thought I had - I don't care how long the import of a large sheet takes. It 
just can't choke the server. Would there be any benefit of putting in a DELAY 
for every 500 records (or so) in the loop to give the server a "rest" to do 
other stuff?

<cfif i MOD 500 EQ 0>
    <cfset sleep(5000) />

<!--- Before we can save the list, we need to run two checks  --->
<!--- First, is there an email address in this list that has previously 
unsubscribed? --->
  <cfloop from="#arrayLen(mailREC)#" to="1" step="-1" index="i">
      <!--- delete the row if it was an invalid address. Got to be a way to fix 
this but --->
      <!--- the above "data" output block wants to add an invalide row if you 
try to skip the entire row when the address is invalid --->
     <cfif mailREC[i][1] eq "-">
        <cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)>
      <!--- OK, it's a valid address. Have they unsubscribed before? --->
         <cfquery name="unsubbed" datasource="#req.datasource#" 
username="#username#" password="#password#">
             SELECT groups_id FROM maillist_unsubscribe
             WHERE dateRESUB is NULL
             AND ml_email = <cfqueryparam value="#mailREC[i][1]#" 
             AND groups_id = <cfqueryparam value="#req.thisGROUPID#" 
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" />
       <cfif unsubbed.recordcount EQ 1><cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, 

   <!--- if Admin has checked the duplicate filter box on the form, but sure 
nothing incoming is a duplicate already in the database for this group --->
   <cfif form.dupFILTER EQ "on">
    <cfloop from="#arrayLen(mailREC)#" to="1" step="-1" index="i">
         <cfquery name="ckDUP" datasource = "#req.datasource#" 
username="#username#" password="#password#">
             Select groups_id from vw_mailLIST
             WHERE groups_id = <cfqueryparam value="#trim(req.thisGROUPID)#" 
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER"  />
             AND ml_email = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" 
value="#mailREC[i][1]#" />
         <cfif ckDUP.recordcount EQ 1><cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)></cfif>

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