On 11/15/2014 12:42 PM, Roger Austin wrote:
> Any chance to have the database engine do all that record logic?

After killing myself on this, I finally realiaed I was doing it ALL 
WRONG! All those loops and everything to filter the array, then do the 
insertwas taking forever.
I'm revising - BULK IMPORT EVERYTHING to a temp table. No filters. Then, 
run the filters against the database and write to the final table.  A 
LOT faster. Duh..

Still got one problem, and it's the "duplicates filter".

So, I need to filter the inserted records and kill any duplicate email 
First, I need to be sure I'm filtering ONLY the addresses that belong to 
the specific group, as folks might be subscribed to more than one group:

<cfquery name="getFULLLIST">
    SELECT groups_id, email_id from nl_catREL
    WHERE groups_id = <cfqueryparam value="#req.thisGROUPID#" 
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER"  />
<cfset fullLIST = #ValueList(getFULLLIST.email_id)# />

Now, let's see if I can return JUST the duplicates. Once that works, 
it's no big deal to delete them...
<cfquery name="findDups">
    SELECT distinct a.email_id
    FROM nl_mailgroups a, nl_mailgroups b
    WHERE a.ml_id in (<cfqueryparam value="#fullLIST#" 
cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" list="yes"  />)
    AND a.email_id > b.email_id
    AND a.ml_email = b.ml_email
    ORDER BY a.email_id

That doesn't work. It returns everything ... and it takes a really long 
time, even with only 150 addresses or so.

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