> Did I tell you that I don't have ColdFusion 4.5? I have ColdFusion 4.0. =
> Actually our ISP doesn't support CF 4.5 that is why I have to stick with =
> the older version.
> Though I have cleared the exam as most of the questions were related to =
> the older version, therefore, I just wanted to clear my doubts. =
> Moreover, this is not the case that I really don't know the answers, I =
> just want to clear my doubts. Hope you understand what I mean to say.

I'm sorry, but won't this be mis-leading your prospective clients who want
to work with a Certified developer?

Basically, what you're doing is saying "I know CF4, and I got help with the
stuff I don't know" rather than those of us who say "I know CF4.5 and can
prove it"

If a client came to you and asked you to develop an app which REQUIRED some
of the functionality, the CCFD says you know it, but you don't - therefore
you wouldn't easily be able to develop the app
Or you went for a job where the company used a lot of CF4.5 functionality,
the CCFD says you know it, so you may get the job - then they find out you
don't and you're wasting the employers time as well as you own!

This annoys me as I had to learn my knowledge for the exam, and I wouldn't
have taken it if we still used CF4 - as I expected there would be a fair
number of questions on CF4.5 only functionality... which was true - without
my CF4.5 knowledge, I doubt I would have passed without guessing. This
defeats the whole point of the exam

Download the evaluation, install it on your own machine, learn it - that way
you should know you can pass the exam, not just guess at it.
Hell, Studio comes with a single user version of Enterprise - buy that and
learn it that way!

Philip Arnold
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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