> Now, I'm wondering if I NEED to set CF up as a user to access the 
> databases on the SQL machine. Will the username and password to the 
> SQL databases in CF administrator be good enough if I connect with 

No, setting up the CF service to run as a specific NT user isn't necessary
for this. You can simply specify the username and password within each
datasource in the CF Administrator. You'll need to create users in SQL
Server for this, unless you simply use the "sa" account (which, from a
security perspective, is a VERY BAD THING). Typically, I create a user for
each database, make the default database for the user the desired database,
allow only access to that database, and give the user the "db_datareader"
and "db_datawriter" roles.

> On a side note. I'm still new to the NT stuff and was brand new to it 
> when I bought the Web/CF server. Dell set up the partition with my OS 
> as FAT for who knows what reason. I have ColdFusion and Website and 
> all my applications on an NTFS partition so I can set the necessary 
> permissions up on that if need be to run CF as a user. I made them 
> set up everything on the SQL Server as NTFS.
> If I set CF up as a user account, will I need to make it a member of 
> Administrators since the OS is FAT? And I hate to even ask this, but 
> is there a way to change the FAT partition to NTFS without doing a 
> clean install? I don't even want to think about that. LOL

It doesn't matter from CF's perspective whether the partition is FAT or
NTFS, but you'll want NTFS for file security. FAT is for DOS. Fortunately,
you can easily convert from FAT to NTFS with the appropriately named
"CONVERT.EXE" utility:

"CONVERT volume /FS:NTFS [/V]

  volume      Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon),
              mount point, or volume name.
  /FS:NTFS    Specifies that the volume to be converted to NTFS.
  /V          Specifies that Convert should be run in verbose mode."

>From a security perspective, you'll probably want to set CF up as a specific
NT user, instead of letting it have the run of the box. There's a good
description of this process here:


For best results, you'll want to learn all about NT security. There's a
pretty good introductory book on this, by Steve Sutton of Trusted Systems,
as well as a freely available document
(http://www.trustedsystems.com/tss_nsa_guide.htm). There's also a very good
O'Reilly book on using NT on the internet:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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