Oh I see NOEL ...

Our country ... AMERICA gets its ass blown to shit today . 1,000's of lives
are wasted .... and you wanna get hung up on political correctness?

Its the panzy ass political correctness bullshit like your drivel below that
has gotten our country into its slack ass state of disrepair and
de-sensitization.  This is still AMERICA [God Bless It], and if some
american wants to go off on a generalization tangent TODAY about
Palastinians [i dont freakin care how its spelled today - blow it out your
asses] - who are reveling at our tragedy - So Be it.

Last I looked ..... Americans werent throwing a parade when a bunch of
civilians and women, children got wasted.  Last I checked  US didnt waste
anyone without warning or especially declaring WAR on their sorry hides.

Generalize this ...... SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!

You were right about one thing - Way to fan the flames... It is EXACTLY what
this country needs a long time ago - How much more of this shit are we going
to take from these POS's.... before something meaningful to end it happens.
They will never be happy till we're all DEAD ... dying some heinous,
tortuous death.  Nothing the US can ever do will change their minds.  So who
gives a shit about the people responsible's "feelings".

Wonder what you'd be saying if your mom, sister or brother dad etc were on
one of those planes or in those buildings?

Steve Aylor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Noel Flatters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: RE: Terrorism

> > Anyone seen the reports that the Palestinians are dancing in the streets
> > and passing out candy?
> What purpose do comments like this serve? "the Palestinians"???? Nice
> generalization of a group of people. I work in an office with palestinian
> co-workers and I can assure you that they are shocked and dismayed about
> this tragedy.
> Congrats on fanning the flames. That's exactly what people need right
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