Costas Piliotis,

IMO, The Fusebox 3.0 methodology Rocks!

Have you taken the time to read the spec or create any applications?
Even when NEO comes out, not everyone will have the means to upgrade.

No matter which route CF takes, Fusebox makes a better developer!
It will change the way you plan and code your applications even if you don't
decide to use the methodology.

If you take the time to check it out, I'm sure you will agree!

Gyrus, I would encourage you to read the new spec and forget the book and
it's reviews.
(The book is old and covers Fusebox 1.0)

If you want to purchase something to help you with Fusebox check out the
'Conference in a Box' from Hal Helms:


Joseph DeVore
VeloxWeb Technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: Costas Piliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 12:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Fusebox - opinions?

Since everyone has put their two pennies in...

Fusebox is a nice idea.  IMHO though, Cold Fusion was never intended for
structured programming in the modern, object oriented terms.  New will have
cf classes and stuff, so fusebox may or may not be the way to go.

Here's the best thing about cold fusion:  It allows developers the
flexibility to design using the methodology they deem appropriate.  There
are no "rules" in cold fusion (other than the cf tags and functions).

I'd check the specs on neo (cf6) and hold off.  Fusebox is a methodology
that may not bode well with the stuff in cf6.  Just suggesting you be

-----Original Message-----
From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 6:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Fusebox - opinions?

OK, I think I'm on the verge of knuckling down and getting friendly with
Fusebox for CF. Glancing through the PPT presentations, it seems pretty
cool, and quite close to the systems I've developed anyway, only better
organised :)

A few questions for everyone out there who uses Fusebox:

1. Pros? Cons? Opinions? I've generally only seen good
    feedback, but I thought I'd see...

2. Is there any good documentation/literature? I think the
    PPT presentations should get me going, but I know I'll
    want something a little meatier. I was going to try out
    the book but it got so-so reader reviews on
    Anyone think the book's worth it? Alternative deeper
    discussions of Fusebox anywhere?

3. I've not really used PHP or ASP. Does anyone know how
    the moves to have Fusebox work for these is going? Will
    knowing Fusebox in CF help me get going quicker with
    PHP/ASP if/when I delve into them (assuming Fusebox has
    been adapted for them)?

4. Some clients I have are still hosted with CF 4.0 - does this
    pose any problems for using Fusebox 3?

All comments and feedback most welcome :)

- Gyrus

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at

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