IMO, there is only one search engine that matters anymore and it's Google.
They clearly index CF sites since they have 17,600,000 of them listed when
you search for .cfm

IMO, the people your client hired are idiots and really don't know up from

IMO, Search engine safe URL's are pretty much a thing of the past.
Almost all bots index pages with query strings..

Of course it's not a bad idea to use SES URL's if you can.

In regards to creating a static site, that's more work for you.
It shouldn't be too hard either using CFHTTP and saving the files to disk.

- JD

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 1:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Spiders and Cold Fusion

One of out clients has hired an Internet Marketing company to help get them
more hits.

I just got a call from one of their reps, and they were trying to tell me
"Cold Fusion will not work with search engine spiders" because the pages
are "fused together".

I was ready to laugh in her face.  Does anyone know of problems with CF and
Search Engine spiders?  She wants us to generate an alternative site that
is static.

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