Actually, the people who are mentioning the NDA when MX comes up are protecting me and 
the lists as much as they are enforcing the NDA. If MX is discussed openly here in 
violation of the NDA then MM could get upset with me personally and could request 
changes. I would have to reject that and another fight could start. Better to follow 
the NDA and mention it to others than to have a fight. 
I appreciate those who have such concern for the resources that I host.

At 10:45 AM 4/18/02, you wrote:
>Yes, for the love of god, PLEASE stop posting questions about neo. It's not
>that your questions bother me, it just these pissy little NDA police getting
>their panties all in a bunch. I swear, I think some of these people do
>nothing BUT search for neo questions so they can refer to the NDA. I don't
>know if it makes them feel authoritative or what, but HOW ANNOYING! Who
>cares if he posts a question about neo - are YOU going to be sent to your
>room by the macromedia police? Do you really think anyone else out there is
>trying to build a CF to J2EE converter? Do you think anyone in their right
>mind would even attempt it? You're developers, why don't you just let the MM
>legal team take care of what they need to do, and CHILL OUT on the legal
>speak! If you think somebody is going outside of their agreement and it
>REALLY bothers you so much, write a letter to the lawyers - let them take
>care of it.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:01 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: neo question
>> weird thing just happened. i tried to install the neo beta on 
>> my xp pro box
>> and the installation did go fine. the thing is that after the 
>> install, i
>> tried to access the cf administrator backend and the cfide 
>> directory is not
>> in my wwwroot directory. i did a search on my drive and the 
>> cfide directory
>> is nowhere to be found. is this a bug?
>> Anthony Petruzzi
>> Webmaster
>> 954-321-4703
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