just wondering.... but isn't wddx a form of XML? couldn't you use an XML
parser to parse WDDX packets? if this is true, then why don't they just have
a wddx packet.

Anthony Petruzzi

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 7:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Macromedia XML feed contest

At 12:48 PM 4/24/2, Paul Giesenhagen wrote:
>I get the feeling that the "developers" of Cold Fusion, are liking raw XML
>better, thus the very real possibility of discarding WDDX in the future and
>well there ya have it ...I guess WDDX isn't cool enough :)

WDDX is just an application of XML, optimized for data serialization. The
application we're looking at here is describing news resources... if
anything, RSS might be a closer match, but RSS didn't quite meet our needs
for these feeds.

At 1:43 PM 4/24/2, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems like it would be perfect for this. Would they consider
> creating a 2nd feed as WDDX?

What advantage do you see in using a data-description format as a
news-description format? (I'm not being contrary here, I'm just honestly
curious how you see this as a good fit, thanks.)

I'm *guessing* that the driver behind this conversation is that you have an
easy ability to parse that particular WDDX flavor of XML document right
now, and don't see an easy mechanism for yourself to handle other types of
XML-formatted documents... is my guess here on-target...?

At 2:03 PM 4/24/2, Mike Chambers wrote:
> WDDX wasn't really meant for this sort of data. What would
> be the advantage of putting it into WDDX?

ah, Mike already said what I was gonna say, never mind.... ;-)

At 2:08 PM 4/24/2, Kevin Schmidt wrote:
> By using WDDX it makes it much easier for those of us not
> using Flash MX to convert the information without having to
> use a third party tool, not all of us have access to install
> these third party tools.  By simply using the <CFWDDX> tag
> we are able to convert the WDDX packet to a valid cf variable
> quickly and easily.

Got it. Seems "got a hammer, looks like nail" situation?

I know it's of no help today, but Neo makes general XML use as easy as what
you see in special-case WDDX today. Until then you'd need to parse XML on
the server through external means, true.


John Dowdell, Macromedia Developer Support, San Francisco CA US
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