In the mail app I am working on, this error happens when trying to cfmail
with attachments:

Unable to write mail message to disk. An unexpected error occurred while
attempting to save the mail message.

Here's the frustrating part:  it works fine for me, but on my bosses machine
it doesn't.  It seems to happen only when trying to send with an attachment.
I can send attachments just fine.  I have tried other computers logged
in(nt-wise) as someone else, and the same error occurs.  I am logging in as
my boss as far as the cf app goes.

Could it have something to do with nt/windows permissions? The cffile is
going to c:\temp as below:
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="form.attachment1" destination="c:\temp\"

However, it seems to be erroring writing the mail message, not the file to
be attached.

I've search all around for similar problems.  In the macromedia CF forums,
there have been a couple of similar posts, but none have been answered.

Thanks for any help.

Matthew P. Smith 
Web Developer, Object Oriented 
Naval Education & Training Professional 
Development & Technology Center 
(850)452-1001 ext. 1245 
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