> The thing is this user was never given their username 
> and password. So if no one has ever been given the 
> info why is it constantly filling my log file? I 
> checked the only places I can think of and there is 
> no longer any reference to this user. GRrrrrrrrr.

If someone tries to log on to your FTP server with username "foo" and
password "bar", you'll see that error message in your security log, assuming
you've enabled auditing of logons as you should. It doesn't matter whether
there's an actual user account with that username or password.

> When will the hurting stop? ;)

I don't know. If I were you, I'd be more concerned with the possibility that
someone is trying to log into your FTP server than the fact that your log
files are growing! You should look at your FTP server logs, and see what's
going on. You might use additional protection for your FTP server, like IP
address restrictions, as well, if you can.

If you don't pay attention to attempts to log into your FTP server, the
hurting may only have begun.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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