But I need the user to have the same session if he gets bumped 
to the other server. I'm not worried about them sharring sessions, 
I'm worried about a person losing his session if he suddenly 
switches machines.


= = = Original message = = =

dude all you have to do is make sure that each app has it's own 
name in the cfapplication tag.

name of app1
<cfapplication name="test">

name of app2
<cfapplication name="test2">

now the user's can't share session variables.

Anthony Petruzzi

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 10:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: storing session variables in DB

I have a set of mirrored servers that are running off 1 SQL_server. 

I have to recode the apps that use session variables because 

a user could jump to a different server during a session. Is 

there a simple way to fix this? Can 2 different servers be aware 

of the same session? Can I store the session variables in the 

SQL-server DB?

I am running Win2k, SQL-Server 2000, and (I know) CF%.0 Professional.

There is no need to tell me that the Enterprise version will 

allow me to isolate a user to one server during a session.

Thanks in advance,

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