I use to work for a company that wanted to go down the same road. They were after an upgrade to a Microsoft Gold Partnership and that was one path they investigated. They had an entire hosting side of the business based on MS products so it made $en$e to the boss man.

When they first spoke about it, I was disappointed to find DB.net only to find it still in beta testing :-( It would have made life easier for me as I was told to prepare a migration strategy for the legacy systems.

Like any platform/language, it has strengths and weaknesses when compared to CF but a change of direction like that is one I'm glad I wasn't involved in. Good luck to you if it goes ahead. Maybe you can come out of it with .net under your belt as well as MCSD qualifications (which was the carrot they offered me).


On 7/4/06, <cfgroupie> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The company seems to be in bed with MS. So therefore they will do
everything with MS. There is no point introducing another technology.
They would rather spend the money and build it in MS.

If they want to spend the money then let them. I get paid each month if
I program in peanuts. oh ....wait...no I get paid peanuts...thats

Charlie do you ever sleep?!!


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