> * Very few good programmers available

on this point, ASP.NET does not a good programmer make. in fact I'd
argue that some parts of ASP.NET actually support bad habits, if you
compare against Java best practices.

lots of CF "good programmers" are  "good programmers" origionally from
other languages - who seem to have no trouble picking CF up and doing
well, esp if they come with some Java background. I know of at least
one place that has

Managers have a habit of pideon-holeing people.
"he's a CF programmer"
"she's a Java programmer"

instead of
"he's a CF programmer"
"she's a Java programmer needing a bit of CF experiance to get up to
speed but will bring a new perspective to development practices."

can anyone suggest a free poll? I wouldn't mind doing a quick Vox Poll
on some questions:

 - how many languages did you seriously use before comming to
ColdFusion (Pascal doesn't count unless it was object Pascal/Delphi,
HTML or SQL doesn't count but Javascript does)

(1) ColdFusion was my first main language
(2) I learnt another programming language first (not Pascal)
(3) I learnt two other languages before comming to ColdFusion
(4) I learnt 3-5 other languages before comming to ColdFusion but I'm
not old enough to be classified as "reverent" status as indicated in
Answer 5
(5) I have the experiance of many programming languages under my belt
over many years and ColdFusion is only one of them

On 10/17/06, George Lu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My boss asked me to get on ASP.NET. I asked him why. He's given me following
> reasons:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> One indication of popularity is the trend of searches that are made on
> google:
> http://www.google.com/trends?q=ColdFusion&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all
> http://www.google.com/trends?q=ASP.NET&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all
> In short the following
> * Was a very successful language with large-scale sites in the early days
> * Has fallen behind in recent years
> * Other technologies like ASP.NET have made significant strides in recent
> years
> * Very few good programmers available
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you think?
> George
>  >

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