I just tried it on an old CF5 server and it did the same thing.
It's nothing to do with data typing. The underlying calculation to work out 
what X * 0.1 is, will always have some degree of rounding error due to the way 
those numbers are stored in memory.

From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gareth 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 12:37 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Strange calculation behavior on CF 7.02

It hasn't been a problem previously, why would it be a problem now? CFML is not 
a strong typed language and there for should evaluate situations like this 


Ryan Sabir wrote: 
They looks like pretty standard floating point rounding errors. You get them in 
any programming language where you deal with fractions.

The trick is to expect that this will happen and plan your application around 

-----Original Message-----
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gareth Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 12:05 PM
To: CFAussie Mailing List
Subject: [cfaussie] Strange calculation behavior on CF 7.02

If you are running coldfusion 7.02, or maybe 7.01 or 7.0? (don't know)

Run this script below, and tell me if you get the same 
results for each line. The way I see it, d should equal 0.1 
on every row. But this isn't the case. Is this a bug 
introduced by Coldfusion 7.02?

<cfset a = 0>
<cfset b = 0>
<cfset c = 0>

<cfloop from="1" to="1000" index="i">
    <cfset a = RandRange(10000,20000)>
    <cfset b = a*2>
    <cfset c = "#ListFirst(Trim(a),".")#.00">
    <cfset c = c + 0.1>
    <cfset d = a - val(b) + val(c)>
    <cfoutput>#d#<br /></cfoutput>




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