Sorry to complain about it, it just seems strange, I won't complain anymore. Does it do the same thing in Actionscript? (don't have time to check right now)

What do you think is the best way to handle this in coldfusion?

Also, I'm curious, how many people on this list are aware of this issue?


Robin Hilliard wrote:
It's easier to see the pattern without the random stuff and the extra  
additions and subtractions, note val() etc have nothing to do with it:

<cfloop from="1" to="10000" index="a">
     <cfset c = a + 0.1>
     <cfset d = a - c>
     <cfoutput>#a# - #c# = #d#<br/></cfoutput>

1019 - 1019.1 = -0.1
1020 - 1020.1 = -0.1
1021 - 1021.1 = -0.1
1022 - 1022.1 = -0.1
1023 - 1023.1 = -0.1
1024 - 1024.1 = -0.0999999999999
1025 - 1025.1 = -0.0999999999999
1026 - 1026.1 = -0.0999999999999
1027 - 1027.1 = -0.0999999999999
1028 - 1028.1 = -0.0999999999999
4090 - 4090.1 = -0.0999999999999
4091 - 4091.1 = -0.0999999999999
4092 - 4092.1 = -0.0999999999999
4093 - 4093.1 = -0.0999999999999
4094 - 4094.1 = -0.0999999999999
4095 - 4095.1 = -0.0999999999999
4096 - 4096.1 = -0.1
4097 - 4097.1 = -0.1
4098 - 4098.1 = -0.1
4099 - 4099.1 = -0.1
4100 - 4100.1 = -0.1
4101 - 4101.1 = -0.1
4102 - 4102.1 = -0.1
4103 - 4103.1 = -0.1
4104 - 4104.1 = -0.1

I get errors for the range 1024 <= a < 4096.  Note 1024 = 2 ^ 10 and  
4096 = 2 ^ 12 - significant numbers in the binary world.

These sorts of errors are caused because you cannot represent all  
fractional amounts in a finite number of binary digits - for instance  
0.1 is an endlessly repeating 1100110011001100... pattern in binary  
(just like 1/3 is an endlessly repeating series in decimal). Replace  
0.1 in the above code with 0.125 (1/8) or another fraction that can  
be represented in a finite number of binary digits and you'll see the  
error disappears, or if you use 0.7 you'll see the error kick in at a  
 >= 8192 (2 ^ 13).  Without further analysis, it's probably something  
to do with the way negative numbers (see "two's complement") are  
represented in binary, and the point in the repeating sequence of  
binary digits where a Java floating point number runs out of precision.

As Ryan suggested, these rounding errors happen on any digital  
computer/language and your code needs to deal with them gracefully.



Robin Hilliard
Director - RocketBoots Pty Ltd
Consulting . Recruitment . Software Licensing . Training

For schedule/availability call Pamela Higgins:
w    +61 7 5451 0362
m    +61 419 677 151
f    +61 3 9923 6261

or Direct:
m    +61 418 414 341

On 20/02/2007, at 12:04 PM, Gareth Edwards wrote:

If you are running coldfusion 7.02, or maybe 7.01 or 7.0? (don't know)

Run this script below, and tell me if you get the same results for  
line. The way I see it, d should equal 0.1 on every row. But this  
the case. Is this a bug introduced by Coldfusion 7.02?

<cfset a = 0>
<cfset b = 0>
<cfset c = 0>

<cfloop from="1" to="1000" index="i">
    <cfset a = RandRange(10000,20000)>
    <cfset b = a*2>
    <cfset c = "#ListFirst(Trim(a),".")#.00">
    <cfset c = c + 0.1>
    <cfset d = a - val(b) + val(c)>
    <cfoutput>#d#<br /></cfoutput>




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