Believe it or not, I'm still worrying away at this date issue.    I dont
understand ColdFusion's insistence that we have to use American dates.
(This is CF9 Enterprise by the way)

I create a date object,  using the following:

createdate("2010","10","06")   which is supposed to be year, month, day in
that order.    Then when i output the date in the next line it shows that
date as 06/Oct/2010

It doesn't seem to make any difference whether i set a locale or not.
It's nothing to do with dateformat,  the problem here is that I'm creating a
date using year-month-day and it's understanding it as year-day-month.

Here is the actual code:
<cfset testdate = createdate("2010","10","06") />
<p>test date is  #testdate# : #dateformat(testdate, "dd/mmm/yyyy")# </p>

The result i get is this:
test date is {ts '2010-10-06 00:00:00'} : 06/Oct/2010

Can someone else please run this code on their CF9 and see if they get the
same result?   That way i can know if this is being caused by something in
the environment here.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Scott Thornton <> wrote:

> IMO, Set Langauge seems a bit... obtuse?
> SET LANGUAGE DMY seems more appropriate, especially if you are giong to
> enter it into every sproc.
> cheers,

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