Maybe we can take a step back and get some more details. Because I'm semi 
confident we're all trying to help Gavin find a solution, preferably before he 
has to shell out more cash for a different cert. 

- what sort of certificate is it? 
- where did it come from? 
- does the cert match the host name? 
- is the cert issued from one of the 'pre trusted' authorities. 
- is it just an SSL cert or are we talking about client certs too? 
- etc 

Sent from my iPhone

On 06/08/2010, at 8:31 PM, "Dale Fraser" <> wrote:

> I setup a https: webservice a week ago, didn't have to do anything, it
> worked.
> But we are using real certificates. I called it from multiple other
> ColdFusion servers, it was an API for a third party developer, they had no
> issues either.
> Regards
> Dale Fraser
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of MrBuzzy
> Sent: Friday, 6 August 2010 8:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [cfaussie] Comsume https webservice
> Ooh them's fightin' words Dale! 
> Wildcard certs can also require importing too sometimes. I recall Phil had
> to do so once ...? 
> Not the cert, but the signing authority needs to be trusted. Vague memories.
> Hicup. I should put down the phone or the beer or both.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 06/08/2010, at 7:22 PM, "Dale Fraser" <> wrote:
>> Im pretty sure this wouldn't be a problem if you just use a real 
>> wildcard cert, seems like a lot of time wasted for a $400 spend
>> Regards
>> Dale Fraser
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Gavin Beau Baumanis
>> Sent: Friday, 6 August 2010 3:58 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [cfaussie] Comsume https webservice
>> Yup - most certainly - after every change.
>> All this work is on our staging server - so we're free to restart 
>> services as often as required.
>> Gavin.
>> On 06/08/2010, at 3:15 PM, wrote:
>>> have you restarted cf after adding the cert into the keystore? 
>>> Drew Peacock
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gavin Beau Baumanis <>
>>> To:
>>> Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 15:10:42 +1000
>>> Subject: Re: [cfaussie] Comsume https webservice
>>>> Now remember how I said EVERYTHING was working correctly for 
>>>> straight hhtp?
>>>> Well that hasn't changed - but I have to wonder how?
>>>> Here is the code I am using;
>>>> <cfset remoteLoginService = createObject("component",
>>>> "").init("https://mydomain/my/path/to/cfc/Serv
>>>> i
>>>> c
>>>> e.cfc?wsdl")>
>>>> should it not be?;
>>>> <cfset remoteLoginService = createObject("webservice", 
>>>> "https://mydomain/my/path/to/cfc/Service.cfc?wsdl";)>
>>>> I did try this by the way - and I still get the unauthenticated peer 
>>>> error message.... but I just thought it odd that thew previous 
>>>> version worked at all.
>>>> I also a "." (period) used instead of the "?" in CFLIVEDOCS - which 
>>>> I also tried - without success.
>>>> Once again I got the authentication error..... so it would seem my 
>>>> underlying issue is still a certificate error - but if someone could 
>>>> shoot me the correct code to use when invoking a web service 
>>>> (perhaps you have one in your code already??) - that would be most
> handy.
>>>> Gavin.
>>>> On 06/08/2010, at 1:01 PM, Gavin Beau Baumanis wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kai,
>>>>> Here is what CFAdmin tells me;
>>>>> JVM Details 
>>>>> Java Version 1.6.0_14   
>>>>>    Java Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.   
>>>>>    Java Vendor URL 
>>>>>    Java Home /opt/coldfusion9/runtime/jre   
>>>>> Java VM Specification Version 1.0   
>>>>>    Java VM Specification Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.   
>>>>>    Java VM Specification Name Java Virtual Machine Specification   
>>>>>    Java VM Version 14.0-b16  
>>>>> Java VM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.   
>>>>>    Java VM Name Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM   
>>>>>    Java Specification Version 1.6   
>>>>>    Java Specification Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.   
>>>>>    Java Specification Name Java Platform API Specification   
>>>>>    Java Class Version 50.0    
>>>>> So I am going to go with - we're using the normal / standard CF
>>>> install version.
>>>>> Gavin
>>>>> On 06/08/2010, at 12:58 PM, Kai Koenig wrote:
>>>>>> Just to double check and a random idea - are you running this on 
>>>>>> the
>>>> standard JVM that comes with CF or has it been upgraded to 1.6.20+?
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Kai
>>>>>>> Okay some more news... but it is still not working.
>>>>>>> When I try to delete a certificate from the Java KeyStore using 
>>>>>>> the
>>>> certman CFIDE extension it throws an error.
>>>>>>> Subsequently I have reverted to using the command line to do the
>>>> KeyStore maintenance.
>>>>>>> Here is what I have done;
>>>>>>> Imported into the KeyStore the public key used to access our SSL
>>>> secured website. (I.e the key we would issue to a client so that 
>>>> they could access the site.
>>>>>>> in code this following line;
>>>>>>> <cfset remoteLoginService = createObject("component",
>>>> "").init("https://mydomain/my/path/to/cfc/Serv
>>>> i
>>>> c
>>>> e.cfc?wsdl")>
>>>>>>> causes this error;
>>>>>>> Unable to read WSDL from URL:
>>>> https://mydomain/my/path/to/cfc/Service.cfc?wsdl. Error:
>>>> peer not authenticated. 
>>>>>>> Now I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but I exported
>>>> (via Firefox - by clicking on the padlock icon and choosing EXPORT) 
>>>> the certificate at the website.
>>>>>>> Imported THAT certificate in the Java KeyStore  - get the same
>>>> error as above.
>>>>>>> I then read on a blog - something about requiring the certificate
>>>> used to sign the public key and since we signed the key ourselves I 
>>>> added that to the Java KeyStore too.
>>>>>>> But unfortunately - I still get the same error.
>>>>>>> The command line confirms that the certs are indeed in the 
>>>>>>> KeyStore
>>>> - as does the CertMan CFIDE extension.
>>>>>>> I have restarted the CF service after each certificate
>>>> installation.
>>>>>>> It would "seem" I have done everything required - but it still
>>>> doesn't work.
>>>>>>> And let me also say that if I place the exact same CFCs and 
>>>>>>> calling
>>>> code onto a non-SSL path - then the web service is consumed 
>>>> correctly
>>>> - so am really confident it is not a CFML coding issue.
>>>>>>> If anyone has any ideas at all - I would be most appreciative - 
>>>>>>> Of
>>>> course - if I do get it working - I will let everyone know what I did.
>>>>>>> Gavin.
>>>>>>> On 05/08/2010, at 11:50 PM, MrBuzzy wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yeah I agree the default CF9 jvm should be a-o-k. But ya never
>>>> know. 
>>>>>>>> I guess you're back to the challenge of importing it correctly. 
>>>>>>>> Or
>>>> there's some other issue going on.  
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On 05/08/2010, at 11:21 PM, Gavin Beau Baumanis
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I don't get a cert warning in the browser because I have "that"
>>>> cert  and only that cert installed in the browser already.
>>>>>>>>> Our staging sites have all been confired to allow the same
>>>> developer's client cert - thus one cert for all staging sites.
>>>>>>>>> Thus only have one cert installed means you don't even get the
>>>> prompt for the cert it's just automatically applied by firefox - 
>>>> after the first run of course...
>>>>>>>>> Well - at least that's what I am putting it (the working in the
>>>> browser) down to anyway.
>>>>>>>>> As for the JVM that we're using - to be honest - I wouldn't 
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>> a clue... but since we're running CF9  - would it not be using 
>>>> whatever
>>>> CF9 gets bundled with?
>>>>>>>>> Gavin.
>>>>>>>>> On 05/08/2010, at 10:38 PM, MrBuzzy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> What I find interesting is your browser does not give any
>>>> certificate warnings when viewing the wsdl over https. That usually 
>>>> means you wont need to import the certificate or issuing authority 
>>>> in to the JVM.
>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible you are using any early-ish JVM, like version
>>>> 1.4.2? 
>>>>>>>>>> If you can, upgrade the CF JVM to the latest 1.6.x. verslon. 
>>>>>>>>>> You
>>>> will need to modify jvm.config once you have installed the new JVM 
>>>> and give CF a restart.
>>>>>>>>>> On 5 August 2010 20:29, Gavin Beau Baumanis
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 05/08/2010, at 7:26 PM, MrBuzzy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Annoying isn't it :)
>>>>>>>>>> Yup sure is.
>>>>>>>>>>> When you view the https wsdl in a browser what warnings (if
>>>> any) do you get?
>>>>>>>>>> None.
>>>>>>>>>> The WSDL looks identical to that produced when using a 
>>>>>>>>>> non-https
>>>> URL.
>>>>>>>>>> Apart from the namespace addresses etc being different because
>>>> of the different URL
>>>>>>>>>>> Also if you're going commando (command line hehe) just check
>>>> that you are working on the same jvm or jdk that is specified in 
>>>> ColdFusion's jvm.config file.
>>>>>>>>>> Ahh righteo....
>>>>>>>>>> I didn't consider that.... but thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> It still doesn't work though.... bummer....
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone got anything further I could try?
>>>>>>>>>> Or is it simply a fact that importing the server cert into the
>>>> java keystore - should see it working?
>>>>>>>>>> And if that is the case - does the alias used when importing 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>> cert, matter any?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again....
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/08/2010, at 4:50 PM, Gavin Baumanis
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been trying to get this to work for the past few days
>>>> and have
>>>>>>>>>>>> finally decided I should ask for some help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a service that runs on a server using the https
>>>> protocol.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunsequently - when I try to use that service I get the
>>>> folling error;
>>>>>>>>>>>> Unable to read WSDL from URL: blah/blah.cfc?wsdl. Error:
>>>>>>>>>>>> peer not
>>>> authenticated.
>>>>>>>>>>>> All the items I read seemed to say that all I needed to do
>>>> was to add
>>>>>>>>>>>> the certificate to java keystore.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which have done using this;
>>>>>>>>>>>> I even tried using the command line - just in case there was
>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>> "odd" issue with the Certificate Manager extension to CF
>>>> Admin.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But still no dice.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have added the server cert and also tried by adding in the
>>>> client
>>>>>>>>>>>> cert too - but I still receive that error.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Interestingly enough - I can successfully see the WSDL via
>>>> the browser
>>>>>>>>>>>> and https.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If I place the code on a non-ssl connection - everything
>>>> works as
>>>>>>>>>>>> expected - so I know that my CFCs/code etc is working
>>>> correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If anyone has any ideas - I would be most appreciative.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Gavin.
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