Thanks Gareth,

At the moment I'm just wanting to build SOMETHING in Flex, using my
ColdFusion server, so i can start to add Flex apps to my other coldfusion
work.    At the moment, I'm not even getting off the starting blocks with

As to "dynamic channelset / end point utility class",  that's a whole
'nother bucket of worms I have a lot to learn about.

It all looks so easy on the Adobe web site, and everyone has been saying
"flex is so easy its great!"  so I figured I'd be a mug to ignore it.    I
suspect the trouble is,  the designers of FlashBuilder 4 didnt take into
account the possibility that users might have more than one web site to
manage.  But I acknowledge that I have a  LOT to learn about this whole
discipline yet.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Gareth Edwards <> wrote:

>  Hi Mike,
> Are you wanting to take advantage of the Flex 4 -> CF tool set ? A
> connection to your CF server and webroot is only necessary if this is the
> case. We found the drag and drop connectors to be more trouble then they
> were worth, and ended up implementing a dynamic channelset / end point
> utility class, much like the configuration available through the end point
> configuration xml files, but customised for our requirements.
> I hope this helps a little, and doesn't bring even more confusion, let us
> know more about what your trying to do.
> Cheers
> Gareth.

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