Hey Mike,

I can't vouch for ColdFusion 9, but I don't recall Adobe actually updating
the installer to work on Windows 8+. What you are experiencing seems to
point to that as an issue.

Now there is a known hack, but it is really use at your own risk, to
extract the install files and install everything manually. The installer
used prior to Windows 8, would have issues that you describe.

When using the connectors, these must be run elevated as well.

ColdFusion 10 and ColdFusion 11 as they both have the new updated
installers, should work on Windows 10 as they do work on Windows 8. But I
just can't vouch for ColdFusion 9, if it has these update installers or not.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Mike K <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Charlie, I'm grateful to you for your willingness to step up, as always.
> You've been an asset to the community for a long time, and so it continues.
> All i wanted to do, was upgrade my windows.   I have 4 machines all
> running Windows 7  (one with Win7 ultimate,  2 with Win7 Pro,  and 1 with
> WIn7Home Premium. )     Being cautious ever since an awful experience with
> Windows95  years ago,  I started with my WIn7Home Premium laptop, which I
> dont use very often.    If it went pear-shaped on that machine it wouldn't
> be a big deal.       And i can take as long as I need to get it worked out
> before I need to upgrade all the other machines.
> So I upgraded the Windows on that laptop.      Went swimmingly.   Just as
> advertised.    Took me a couple of hours to get a human to talk to me at
> Microsoft so I could find out how to get hold of the installer so I didnt
> have to download it all 4 times,   but finally i got what I needed.
>  I upgraded my windows and started testing all the applications I had
> loaded on there.     To my surprise everything worked.    Just as they had
> previously,  but with a better look.   And to my amazement,  the new
> Microsoft browser looks at first glance to be a fine piece of work.
> (But I have yet to give it a real good workout)     And Bing is no better
> than it used to be.
> But when I went to check how my dev versions of my sites ran,   I came
> into problems.        They are built on CF9 Enterprise.
> My Apache didnt run.    Wouldn't start.     I could have debugged it and
> got it working maybe, but I figured that I didnt know enough about IIS, and
> I own a server that serves pages with IIS,  and i really need to know more
> about IIS.   So.  why not take this opportunity to start using IIS in my
> dev environment.   How hard can it be???         So I just left Apache
> alone.   I removed it from the list of programs that auto start on reboot
> and that's where it stayed.
> HAH!!!!   You'd think I would learn wouldnt you.     These things NEVER
> run smoothly for me.  Never have,  so why would I expect this to be any
> different?
> I installed the IIS components,  taking a guess as to what elements I'd be
> needing if all i was doing was using it as a web server for my ColdFusion
> sites and maybe a simple static site or two.     I loaded a static site
> into it and it worked fine.     Great.   I can assume IIS is working ok,
> even if I'm not 100% i have all the required components.
> Now all I have to do is connect my CF9 to IIS and run a CF site on it and
> I can relax.      If only!
> So if you've followed this thread you'll see that I started out just
> trying to add IIS using the Web Connector tool.     That didnt work.   It
> just hung, and never got to the point of offering me the web servers it's
> found for me to select.     The dialog box opened and it started searching
> for web servers installed on the machine and that's where it stayed.
> So i figured maybe what I'll do is uninstall CF9 and reinstall it.   That
> way I can eliminate Apache from everything, in case that was the problem.
> I did that 3 times all with the same result.    I installed CF9 as each of
> the variants offered in the install routine.   Each time it would install
> apparently fine,   but hang at the last point where it's connecting to the
> web server.
> That's where I'm up to.     I don't know whether a Windows10/CF9
> combination is EVER going to work,  or I need to go to a later version of
> CF.  (I am sticking with CF9 because that's what 's on my server, and I
> like to have my dev environment as similar to the production environment as
> I can get.    But I can upgrade if that's the only way to go to Win10.  I
> guess I'm going to have to update CF sooner or later, but I have no need
> yet because of clients needing the newer features or anything like that.
> I dont want to go to that expense just to stay near the cutting edge.
>  I'll upgrade when/if there's a client need.  )
> I want to upgrade all my machines to Windows10 for reasons unrelated to
> web development.   There are some problems with another app that we use for
> the radio station programming that are unstable and need upgrading.   It's
> not urgent  but we have a year before Win10 is no longer free.
> So I dont know what to do next.    I suspect one option might be "just
> wait till Adobe provide a fix."
>    Do you have any suggestions?
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> --
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