::: mumbles something about hijacked threads :::



On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:14:01 +1000, Darryl Lyons
> Roland,
> > For performance reasons.  I still use OOP as much as possible, but not
> the
> > DAO pattern in particular.  OOP and DAO/BO in particular add a level of
> > abstraction that I don't really need (or necessarily want).  There is an
> > inherent performance hit in the pattern for one, in that you're
> constantly
> > transforming data from the database to an object and then back again.
> > That's kind of a wasted trip if you don't absolutely need it.
> That sounds exactly like our environment. We use OOP as much as possible
> as well, and we don't use "DAO" either. However, we don't pass use
> seperate arguments to methods, but rather pass a struct, e.g.
> addItem(Struct stItem) and that method passes it back. I guess you can
> kind of say this a simple "DAO/Bean".
> Darryl Lyons

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