Sean Corfield said the following on 1/27/2006 12:11 PM:
On 1/26/06, Peter J. Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Typically, on one of my Mach-II application (rather complex one too), it
takes anywhere between 16-75ms per request on my dev machine and about
45-110 on a production server.

I assume you mean the other way around? (At least I *hope* your
production server is faster than your dev machine :)
Well, no - my dev machine is a little faster in general.  The db is local and I'm the only person hitting the server.  The production server timings are avg when under load as this server is being shared at my ISP and the db is accessed over the local network on another machine.  It the plain old situation that my dev box doesn't have to share resources...45-110ms per request on application is acceptable IMHO.
Peter J. Farrell :: Maestro Publishing

Rooibos Generator - Version 2.1
Create boilerplate beans and transfer objects for ColdFusion!

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