"1. Use CF for RAD and presentation power 2. If your domain model is so
complex that CF is giving you problems, use a Java domain model with a CF
front end 3. If Adobe is going to focus on anything in the CF OO space, it
should focus on better Java integration to make point 2 easier.

That's cool.  I hear people say #1 often, but rarely #2 (and maybe that's
because #3 hasn't happened).  Given that #3 hasn't happened, what are the
options? (I know, Sean - I should get over it)."

We've been refactoring a large b2b application using approach #2. It's been
a successful approach. We've used Hibernate and Spring at the Java end, CF
and AJAX for the front end. Along with MVC benefits, there's also a clear
separation of project roles and responsibilities among the dev team that's
lead to increased productivity. Definitely an approach worth considering; it
assisted our team to hit a deadline that seemed highly unrealistic at the
project outset.

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