
I'm really speaking from ignorance here.  I had the impression that complex
data types did not interoperate seamlessly across the Java/CF boundary e.g.
you need to convert Java ResultSets to CF QueryTables; Java functions that
return an array don't actually return CF arrays.  These are minor things but
not what I'd called "seamless", and if I need to wrap my Java domain model
in a facade to do these conversions that could tip the cost/benefit balance.

A big part of the equation is this: we're currently a two-programmer, one
language shop.  If we're going to add a second language, what's going to pay
for itself sooner - Java or ActionScript?  OTOH, for some applications Java
+ Flex might make more sense than Java + CF + Flex, especially if the latter
looks like Java + JavaCFFacade + CF + CFFlexFacade + Flex.

Jaime Metcher

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kola
> Oyedeji
> Sent: Friday, 13 April 2007 10:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] Class methods part III - is there problem?
> I think option 2 is definitely an option to be considered. Perhaps not
> even for technical reasons but more for organisational reasons based
> on experience of teams, making use of existing infrastructure, APIs
> etc.  as I alluded to here:
> http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2007/02/27/coldfusion-for-jsp-de
> velopers.html
> As for 3 - I was a bit disappointed that the CFCProxy was a) an
> Enterprise only feature and b) was tied to the current class loader
> (although I can sort of understand the reasons for this). That said -
> I have yet to come across a situation where I have wanted/needed any
> tighter integration with ColdFusion.
> What better integration were you thinking of?
> ~Kola
> www.coolskool.blog-city.com
> www.cfframeworks.com
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