
the reason I was asking is that I've also been thinking about this and
got stuck pretty quickly.

it's no biggie to add an explicit method to do this: we're used to
writing init() functions, so writing a finalise()  (not "finaliZe")
should be no biggie... but you'd have to remember to call it (and,
apart from closing a file or something what would you use it for? I
can't think of anything else...)

but (in the case of sessions timing out or a CFC instance being
garbage collected) what's really needed is the component being self
aware of it's impending doom.

I wonder if it's possible to tap into the underlying java? but would
you have to re-write the java class loaders so you can override the
java.lang.Object's finalize()?

my head hurts...

   protected void finalize() throws Throwable {}

   * every class inherits the finalize() method from java.lang.Object
   * the method is called by the garbage collector when it determines
no more references to the object exist
   * the Object finalize method performs no actions but it may be
overridden by any class

On 5/1/07, Aaron DC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Option 3: I want to run (not necessarily clean up) code when the object
is (about to be) destroyed. I am pretty sure I read that the code inside
a CFC but outside any functions gets run at CFC creation time. I was
just curious if a similar mechanism existed for CFC destruction time.

The CFC could be cached in session, request or application scope, was
hoping for something scope agnostic, and it's more of a "the programmer
wants to play" than a "the programmer needs this for his job" type


Barry Beattie wrote:
> Arron,
> are you asking because of memory considerations
> or
> do you want to run some clean-up code?
> On 4/30/07, Phillip Senn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Short answer: no.
>> Long answer: I can think of two things:
>> 1. Wrap what you want to do in a begin/end Custom Tag.
>> 2. Depending on the scope of your cfc, you could use the onRequestEnd,
>> onSessionEnd, etc.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron DC
>> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 7:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [CFCDEV] CFC Constructor
>> Is there a concept similar to a destructor built in to CFMX CFCs?
>> Thanks
>> Aaron
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