
I am working on a project with a big web services component, and this kind
of issue was important for us to resolve.

We found that Application.cfc is still useful even in a web services world.
onApplicationStart() and onRequestStart() are definitely invoked.

As to your primary question, this is how we did it - created a facade object
that has a remote invokeBusinessService() method on it.  This method
includes error trapping, and access to our ColdSpring beanFactory, among
other things.  It acts as both a Facade and a Router, in that it sits on top
of our business services (Facade pattern) and determines where to send the
request (Router pattern).

We have defined our business services as singletons in ColdSpring, as they
are not stateful.  If you have a need to persist session beans (for
example), you could do that from within the services if you so chose,
although I would recommend another Facade (session facade) for that.

Hope that helped ..


On 5/11/07, Jim Cassata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Seemed to be more of a CF question than a Flex one, so here it is. How
do I set a CFC as an object in memory if the CFCs are only called via
flash remoting? Does the Application.cfc and OnApplicationStart method
work the same way as in a CFML application? I am unsure what scopes can
be accessed in this way. Any insight would be helpful.


Jim Cassata

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