Question, is the PHP implementation using an object-oriented approach or is
it procedural?  I don't know a whole lot about PHP but I think its possible
to do it OO style these days.

On 5/11/07, João Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


using small queries with 7.0.2 and trusted cache on, it should be fast
enough so you wouldn't much difference from PHP result.
When generating 1000+ records, that can be a problem.

If you don't see any problem using THIS scope on cfcs, you can boost a
bit by using
<cfset myVOCFC.myProperty = someval>
instead of
<cfset myVOCFC.setMyProperty(someval)>
You'll notice this when having VOs with lots of fields.

In some cases you can also return a query directly instead of returning
your array of VOs.

João Fernandes

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