mboehme added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D49910#1187809, @aaron.ballman wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D49910#1187492, @mboehme wrote:
> > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D49910#1187455, @aaron.ballman wrote:
> >
> > > Are you going to propose adding this attribute to libc++, or is this 
> > > expected to only work with UDTs?
> >
> >
> > I don't have any experience contributing to libc++, but I think this would 
> > make sense.
> >
> > The check currently hard-codes various member functions of classes in the 
> > "std" namespace that do reinitializations; I'm not sure though if those can 
> > be removed after the attribute has been added to libc++. We'd would also 
> > presumably have to add the attribute to libstdc++ -- does it accept 
> > Clang-only attributes? And what is the story for people using clang-tidy 
> > with MSVC projects? (I have to admit I'm very hazy on how that works...)
> I ask the question because it's novel to add an attribute to Clang that's 
> used only by clang-tidy, and I'm wondering who is expected to use that 
> attribute to help with this check. Is it expected to be an attribute users 
> use with their own custom datatypes and it's not needed for standards-based 
> APIs (because we handle those some other way), or something else? As it 
> stands, I sort of feel like this is a very heavy approach to solve an edge 
> case -- is there a lot of evidence for re-using a moved-from object after 
> reinitializing it?

Ah, now I understand what you're getting at.

Yes, I see this attribute mainly as something that people would add to their 
own user-defined types -- typically, containers and smart pointers.

I've regularly been getting internal feature requests for this. One typical 
pattern in which this comes up is the following:

MyContainer<T> container;
T t;
while (GetNextT(&t)) {

  if (SomeCondition()) {


I.e. you're incrementally adding items to some data structure, and at some 
point you decide the data structure is now complete, so you hand it off to a 
consumer and clear it, ready to be filled with the next batch of items.

As clang-tidy doesn't understand that the "container.Clear()" reinitializes the 
container, it complains that the Clear() is a use-after-move.

Yes, it's unusual to add an attribute to Clang that is only (at least 
initially) intended for use by clang-tidy -- but I don't really see how to 
implement this other than with an attribute.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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