whisperity added a comment.

With regards to https://reviews.llvm.org/D53352: you can change the diff 
related to a patch whilst keeping discuccion and metadata of the diff.

Please add a generic description to the diff for an easy skimming on what you 
are accomplishing.

If I get this right, your tool will spit out a CPP file that is only include 
directives and perhaps the related conditional logic, or the final output of 
your tool is a file list? This is different than the `-M` flags in a way that 
it keeps conditions sane, rather than spitting out what includes were used if 
the input, with regards to the compiler options, was to be compiled?

Have you checked the tool //Include What You Use//? I'm curious in what way the 
mishappenings of that tool present themselves in yours. There were some 
challenges not overcome in a good way in IWYU, their readme goes into a bit 
more detail on this.

  rC Clang


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