Author: krasimir
Date: Thu Oct 25 00:39:30 2018
New Revision: 345242

[clang-format] Break before next parameter after a formatted multiline raw 
string parameter

Currently clang-format breaks before the next parameter after multiline 
parameters (also recursively for the parent expressions of multiline 
parameters). However, it fails to do so for formatted multiline raw string 
$ cat
// Examples

// Regular multiline tokens
int x = f(R"(multi
             line)", 2);

int y = g(h(R"(multi
              line)"), 2);

// Formatted multiline tokens
int z = f(R"pb(multi: 1  #
               line: 2)pb", 2);

int w = g(h(R"pb(multi: 1  #
                 line: 2)pb"), 2);
$ clang-format -style=google
// Examples

// Regular multiline tokens
int x = f(R"(multi

int y = g(h(R"(multi

// Formatted multiline tokens
int z = f(R"pb(multi: 1  #
               line: 2)pb", 2);

int w = g(h(R"pb(multi: 1  #
                 line: 2)pb"), 2);

This patch addresses this inconsistency by forcing breaking after multiline 
formatted raw string literals. This requires a little tweak to the indentation 
chosen for the contents of a formatted raw string literal: in case when that's 
a parameter and not the last one, the indentation is based off of the uniform 
indentation of all of the parameters.

Reviewers: sammccall

Reviewed By: sammccall

Subscribers: cfe-commits

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp Thu Oct 25 00:39:30 2018
@@ -1502,10 +1502,25 @@ unsigned ContinuationIndenter::reformatR
   // violate the rectangle rule and visually flows within the surrounding
   // source.
   bool ContentStartsOnNewline = Current.TokenText[OldPrefixSize] == '\n';
-  unsigned NextStartColumn =
-      ContentStartsOnNewline
-          ? State.Stack.back().NestedBlockIndent + Style.IndentWidth
-          : FirstStartColumn;
+  // If this token is the last parameter (checked by looking if it's followed 
+  // `)`, the base the indent off the line's nested block indent. Otherwise,
+  // base the indent off the arguments indent, so we can achieve:
+  // fffffffffff(1, 2, 3, R"pb(
+  //     key1: 1  #
+  //     key2: 2)pb");
+  //
+  // fffffffffff(1, 2, 3,
+  //             R"pb(
+  //               key1: 1  #
+  //               key2: 2
+  //             )pb",
+  //             5);
+  unsigned CurrentIndent = (Current.Next && Current.Next->is(tok::r_paren))
+                               ? State.Stack.back().NestedBlockIndent
+                               : State.Stack.back().Indent;
+  unsigned NextStartColumn = ContentStartsOnNewline
+                                 ? CurrentIndent + Style.IndentWidth
+                                 : FirstStartColumn;
   // The last start column is the column the raw string suffix starts if it is
   // put on a newline.
@@ -1517,7 +1532,7 @@ unsigned ContinuationIndenter::reformatR
   //     indent.
   unsigned LastStartColumn = Current.NewlinesBefore
                                  ? FirstStartColumn - NewPrefixSize
-                                 : State.Stack.back().NestedBlockIndent;
+                                 : CurrentIndent;
   std::pair<tooling::Replacements, unsigned> Fixes = internal::reformat(
       RawStringStyle, RawText, {tooling::Range(0, RawText.size())},
@@ -1527,8 +1542,7 @@ unsigned ContinuationIndenter::reformatR
   auto NewCode = applyAllReplacements(RawText, Fixes.first);
   tooling::Replacements NoFixes;
   if (!NewCode) {
-    State.Column += Current.ColumnWidth;
-    return 0;
+    return addMultilineToken(Current, State);
   if (!DryRun) {
     if (NewDelimiter != OldDelimiter) {
@@ -1577,6 +1591,13 @@ unsigned ContinuationIndenter::reformatR
   unsigned PrefixExcessCharacters =
       StartColumn + NewPrefixSize > Style.ColumnLimit ?
       StartColumn + NewPrefixSize - Style.ColumnLimit : 0;
+  bool IsMultiline =
+      ContentStartsOnNewline || (NewCode->find('\n') != std::string::npos);
+  if (IsMultiline) {
+    // Break before further function parameters on all levels.
+    for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size(); i != e; ++i)
+      State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+  }
   return Fixes.second + PrefixExcessCharacters * Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter;

Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTestRawStrings.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTestRawStrings.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/Format/FormatTestRawStrings.cpp Thu Oct 25 00:39:30 2018
@@ -576,10 +576,13 @@ auto S =
 auto S = R"pb(item_1:1 item_2:2)pb"+rest;)test",
+  // `rest` fits on the line after )pb", but forced on newline since the raw
+  // string literal is multiline.
 auto S = R"pb(item_1: 1,
               item_2: 2,
-              item_3: 3)pb" + rest;)test",
+              item_3: 3)pb" +
+         rest;)test",
 auto S = R"pb(item_1:1,item_2:2,item_3:3)pb"+rest;)test",
@@ -615,7 +618,8 @@ auto S = first+R"pb(item_1:1 item_2:2)pb
 auto S = R"pb(item_1: 1,
               item_2: 2,
-              item_3: 3)pb" + rest;)test",
+              item_3: 3)pb" +
+         rest;)test",
 auto S = R"pb(item_1:1,item_2:2,item_3:3)pb"+rest;)test",
@@ -889,6 +893,95 @@ item {
+       BreaksBeforeNextParamAfterMultilineRawStringParam) {
+  FormatStyle Style = getRawStringPbStyleWithColumns(60);
+  expect_eq(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, R"pb(
+              key: 1  #
+              key: 2
+            )pb",
+            3, 4);
+            format(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, R"pb(
+              key: 1 #
+              key: 2
+            )pb", 3, 4);
+                   Style));
+  // Breaks after a parent of a multiline param.
+  expect_eq(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, h(R"pb(
+              key: 1  #
+              key: 2
+            )pb"),
+            3, 4);
+            format(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, h(R"pb(
+              key: 1 #
+              key: 2
+            )pb"), 3, 4);
+                   Style));
+  expect_eq(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x,
+            h(R"pb(
+                key: 1  #
+                key: 2
+              )pb",
+              2),
+            3, 4);
+            format(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, h(R"pb(
+              key: 1 #
+              key: 2
+            )pb", 2), 3, 4);
+                   Style));
+  // Breaks if formatting introduces a multiline raw string.
+  expect_eq(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, R"pb(key1: value111111111
+                    key2: value2222222222)pb",
+            3, 4);
+            format(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(x, R"pb(key1: value111111111 key2: value2222222222)pb", 3, 4);
+                   Style));
+  // Does not force a break after an original multiline param that is
+  // reformatterd as on single line.
+  expect_eq(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(R"pb(key: 1)pb", 2);
+            format(R"test(
+int f() {
+  int a = g(R"pb(key:
+                 1)pb", 2);
+})test", Style));
 } // end namespace
 } // end namespace format
 } // end namespace clang

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