keryell added a comment.

In, @rjmccall wrote:


> New versions of C++ have semi-regularly added keywords like `static_assert` 
> and `thread_local` that are not in the reserved space for identifiers.  When 
> C adopted these, it spelled them `_Static_assert` and `_Thread_local`, which 
> are in the reserved space.  I was under the mistaken (right?) impression 
> thought that e.g. `__constant` was a standardized spelling, and I thought 
> that Khronos had just decided to avoid using the unreserved identifiers in 
> C++ when it had gladly adopted them in C.

Thank you for the clarification.

>   But now I understand that OpenCL C++ is attempting to be a radically 
> different language model that does not actually have qualifiers at all.


> By "0 language extension", do you just mean no *syntactic* extensions?  
> Because something like `cl::priv` certainly seems like it requires intrinsic 
> language support, and I don't know what `add_global_t` could possibly do 
> besides add a not-described-in-the-standard-but-still-obviously-there 
> address-space qualifier so that member accesses continue to work and properly 
> preserve the qualifier on the resulting l-value.  C++ doesn't provide 
> adequate language tools to replace pointers and references at a language 
> level, not by a long shot; the tools are only really good enough for resource 
> management.

Since it is C++, you can do a lot with some wrapper classes and so not 
requiring visible language extensions.
But yes, if you dig into the implementation, it will use some attributes, 
address-spaces and so on.

> The "just compile C++ code for the GPU" idea that (IIRC) AMD has been 
> exploring seems quite interesting, but unlike OpenCL C++ it really is a 
> largely no-extensions approach: it's implementing the classic C++ language 
> model (with facilities for taking more control) like any other frontend, just 
> with a weird target on the backend.  It's also just hoping that the optimizer 
> will be able to eliminate the overheads when mapping to a 
> multiple-address-space model, and I'm not sure whether that's been borne out. 
>  OpenCL C++ seems to be trying to strike a middle ground where there are 
> minimal syntactic extensions but the type system is rather radically 
> different in ways that often work but also often don't, and it's basically 
> held together by the underlying extensions that it's pretending aren't there. 
>  That doesn't seem like a successful language approach.

I was really meaning "run on the CPU" and not "run on the GPU", it was not a 
typo from me. :-)
If there are no visible language extensions besides C++ classes, it is easier 
to run the kernel code on a CPU without any specific compiler support, with 
just a plain C++ compiler and just by changing the runtime to launch the kernel.
It was part of the design motivation to remove the alien keywords.
This is even more true with SYCL.

>> That seems like a good discussion topic next Thursday at the LLVM Bay Area 
>> Meetup. :-)
> Alas, I live in New York; I was just out there for the Developer's Meeting 
> but won't be back for some time.

We will miss you, then. :-)

  rC Clang

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