rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53705#1284203, @keryell wrote:

> I was really meaning "run on the CPU" and not "run on the GPU", it was not a 
> typo from me. :-)
>  If there are no visible language extensions besides C++ classes, it is 
> easier to run the kernel code on a CPU without any specific compiler support, 
> with just a plain C++ compiler and just by changing the runtime to launch the 
> kernel.
>  It was part of the design motivation to remove the alien keywords.
>  This is even more true with SYCL.

Okay.  So the purpose of OpenCL C++ is to provide a non-unified model that 
allows you to easily run C++ code on the CPU.

  rC Clang


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