Szelethus added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.h:146-149
+/// If you'd like to add a new -cc1 flag, add it to
+/// include/clang/Driver/, add a new field to store the value of
+/// that flag in this class, and initialize it in
+/// lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp.
NoQ wrote:
> Szelethus wrote:
> > NoQ wrote:
> > > Szelethus wrote:
> > > > NoQ wrote:
> > > > > Nono, don't add more -cc1 flags :)
> > > > Code review is there to stop adding unnecessary -cc1 flags. Are we sure 
> > > > we wouldn't even like to document it? I myself will add at least 2 more 
> > > > -cc1 flags in the future (-analyzer-config-help, 
> > > > -analyzer-checker-option-help), that undoubtedly belong there.
> > > But these flags wouldn't define new analyzer options(?)
> > That is correct, but we do store similar cc1 flags here, because they 
> > belong to the the analyzer.
> > 
> > Although, hm, some of those would be more fitting as -analyzer-config 
> > flags, but I don't see how I could pull that off in a backward compatible 
> > way.
> Those were there before `AnalyzerOptions` were invented. That said, 
> @george.karpenkov just made an experiment with converting 
> `-analyzer-eagerly-assume` into `-analyzer-config eagerly-assume` (D51251) 
> and it seems to have went well. For feature flags that were not really ever 
> supposed to have been appended by GUIs, it is enough to just make sure that 
> the correct behavior is enabled by default; there's no need to maintain 
> backwards compatibility.
Hmm, maybe I could add that to my TODO list :)

I think the comment should still mention cc1 flags, but with an addition:
> Add a -cc1 only if your flag is related to the Static Analyzer, but doesn't 
> actually change the actual analysis.

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