Szelethus added a comment.

In D54438#1315953 <>, @Szelethus wrote:

> - ❌ Move `CheckerManager::registerChecker<T>` out of the registry functions.
>   - ❌ Since `shouldRegister##CHECKERNAME` is a thing, we can move everything 
> to the checker's constructor, supply a `CheckerManager`, eliminating the 
> function entirely.
>   - ❌ At long last, get rid of `CheckerManager::setCurrentCheckerName` and 
> `CheckerManager::getCurrentCheckerName`.
>     - ❌ It was discussed multiple times (D48285#inline-423172 
> <>, D49438#inline-433993 
> <>), that acquiring the options 
> for the checker isn't too easy, as it's name will be assigned only later on, 
> so currently all checkers initialize their options past construction. This 
> can be solved either by supplying the checker's name to every constructor, or 
> simply storing all enabled checkers in `AnalyzerOptions`, and acquire it from 
> there. I'll see.

Pulling this off is not only difficult, certainly super-invasive, but also 
unnecessary -- in the final patch (D55429 <>) I 
used a far simpler (~7 lines of code) solution, that still ensures that the 
checker naming problem never comes up again.

Thank you so much @NoQ for all the feedback! This project has been a super fun. 
I still expect some skeletons to fall out of the closet, but I'm fairly 
confident that the overall direction is set and is good.


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