Szelethus added a comment.

In D62883#1544283 <>, @NoQ wrote:

> However, this heuristic breaks when the same code appears in an inlined stack 
> frame. Because given the context, we need to prove that this check makes 
> sense *in this context*. I strongly suspect that all of the heuristics that 
> you're talking about depend significantly on the surrounding call stacks.

I don't follow you here, unfortunately, could you please elaborate? Also, I'll 
come out with this right now: I never really understood these contexts, is 
there a handy doc or a paper I could take a look at?

> Like, i suspect it so strongly that i'm ready to admit that i've no idea what 
> we're doing anymore, and it makes sense to take a pen and a sheet of paper 
> and try to write down the tracking rules, and then come up with an easily 
> editable and extensible architecture for tweaking those rules as we discover 
> more and more of them.

That sounds great. The should-not-have-happened and the must-have-happened 
cases will all rely on this (since in both cases, at least for now, we'd like 
to use the extra information to track conditions), so maybe it's due to refresh 
`trackExpressionValue`. It would also make publishing and reviewing my works a 
lot easier.

In D62883#1544302 <>, @NoQ wrote:

> On the other hand, all of these problems seem to be examples of the problem 
> of D62978 <>. Might it be that it's the only 
> thing that we're missing? Like, we need to formulate a rule that'll give us 
> an understanding of when do we track the value past the point where it has 
> been constrained to true or false - do we care about the origins of the value 
> or do we care about its constraints only? In case of `flag` in the test 
> examples, we clearly do. In case of these bools that come from boolean 
> conversions and assertions and such, we clearly don't. What's the difference?
> How about we track the condition value past its collapse point only if it 
> involves an overwrite of a variable (or other region) from which the value is 
> loaded? Like, if there are no overwrites, stop at the collapse point. If 
> there are overwrites, stop at the oldest overwrite point (i.e., the value was 
> loaded from 'x' which was previously overwritten by the value of value 'y' 
> which was previously overwritten by the initial value of variable 'z' => stop 
> at the overwrite point of 'y').
> (then, again, not sure what happens if more nested stack frames are around)

For now, I'd like to restrict my efforts to simply "we should track this"  or 
"we shouldn't track this". I think simply not tracking cases where the 
condition is a single variable assignment is a good initial approach. Let how 
the tracking is done be a worry for another day. Also, I'm a little confused, 
isn't this comment about how D62978 <> could be 


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