NoQ added a comment.

In D62883#1542802 <>, @Szelethus wrote:

> Some conclusions:
> - Cases where the condition is also a variable initialization tend to expand 
> the bug path greatly. This isn't always bad, but should be noted. In general, 
> unless we have a good heuristic to figure out whether there is meaningful 
> information on the right hand side of the initialization, I think we just 
> shouldn't track these. A good example for this is this one 
> <>.
>  The 37th event contains pretty much every information we need, it's obvious 
> that the optional could either be None or non-None, since it's in a 
> condition. dyn_cast is a prime example too: in this case 
> <>,
>  note 9 is all we really need.
> - We should probably believe that `operator bool()` is implemented correctly, 
> and shouldn't track the value all the way there (at least, when we're only 
> tracking the condition). Example 
> <>
> - We shouldn't ever track assert-like conditions. Example 
> <>
>  (note 38-41)
> - When the report didn't suffer from any of the above issues, I found the 
> extra notes to be helpful! :D

On the other hand, all of these problems seem to be examples of the problem of 
D62978 <>. Might it be that it's the only thing 
that we're missing? Like, we need to formulate a rule that'll give us an 
understanding of when do we track the value past the point where it has been 
constrained to true or false - do we care about the origins of the value or do 
we care about its constraints only? In case of `flag` in the test examples, we 
clearly do. In case of these bools that come from boolean conversions and 
assertions and such, we clearly don't. What's the difference?

Comment at: clang/test/Analysis/track-control-dependency-conditions.cpp:66
+void foo() {
+  // TODO: It makes no sense at all for bar to have been assigned here.
+  flag = coin(); // expected-note {{Value assigned to 'flag'}}
It's invalidation of globals by `coin()` which potentially writes to `bar`.


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