pekka.jaaskelainen accepted this revision.
pekka.jaaskelainen added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

In, @Anastasia wrote:

> @Pekka, do you have any more comments?

Nope. Looking forward to finally implementing proper pipe support to pocl.

With the future Clang OpenCL patches I appreciate if you keep adding me to the 
cc list of the reviews, but it might be pointless to wait for my LGTM as I'm 
still quite a Clang noob, thus that "LGTM" might not have the "weight" it 
should have :) In other words, I keep monitoring the patches and will yell if I 
see something that sticks to my eye, but no point in blocking the progress due 
to possibly slow acks from my side.

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