jdenny marked 4 inline comments as done.
jdenny added a comment.

Thanks for the review.  I've replied to a few comments, and I'll address the 
rest later.

In D79276#2017101 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D79276#2017101>, @jhenderson wrote:

> I hesitate to suggest this, but is it worth using `REM` as a comment prefix? 
> It's the comment marker for Windows batch files, so has some precedence.

I don't have a strong preference.  Does anyone else following this have a 

Some data about existing usage:

  $ cd llvm.git
  $ git grep '\<REM\(-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\)\?:' | wc -l

In 21 matches (1 test file), `REM` is a FileCheck prefix.

In 4 matches (2 test files), `// REM:` is actually used to prefix a comment.  
I'm not sure why.

The remaining 90 matches (29 test files) use `REM:` to define a FileCheck 
variable and shouldn't actually break behavior if `REM` is also a FileCheck 
comment prefix.  However, to make test code less confusing, people should 
probably avoid using such a FileCheck comment prefix for other purposes even if 
it works fine.

  $ git grep '\<COM\(-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\)\?:' | wc -l

In 11 matches (4 test files), `COM` is a FileCheck prefix.  I fixed those as 
part of this patch.

In 1 match (1 test file), `CHECK-COM` is a FileCheck prefix.  No conflict there.

Comment at: llvm/test/FileCheck/comment.txt:1
+// Comment directives successfully comment out check directives.
jhenderson wrote:
> You don't need to prefix the lines with '//' or anything else for that 
> matter, since this isn't being used as an assembly/yaml/C/etc input.
> If you do want to have the characters (I don't care either way), I'd prefer 
> '#' for RUN/CHECK directive lines and '##' for comments (the latter so they 
> stand out better from directive lines). It's fewer characters, whilst still 
> as explicit ('#' is used widely in some parts of the testsuite at least).
I don't much care either. The FileCheck test suite is not consistent in this 

What about the following style, making use of `COM:` (or `REM:` or whatever we 
choose) for comments as that's it's purpose:

COM: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
COM: Comment directives successfully comment out check directives.
COM: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

COM: Check all default comment prefixes.
COM: Check that a comment directive at the begin/end of the file is handled.
COM: Check that the preceding/following line's check directive is not affected.
RUN: echo 'foo'                   >  %t.in
RUN: echo 'COM: CHECK: bar'       >  %t.chk
RUN: echo 'CHECK: foo'            >> %t.chk
RUN: echo 'RUN:echo "CHECK: baz"' >> %t.chk
RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput FileCheck -vv %t.chk < %t.in 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=SUPPRESSES-CHECKS -DCHECK_LINE=2 %s

COM: Check the case of one user-specified comment prefix.
COM: Check that a comment directive not at the beginning of a line is handled.
RUN: echo 'foo'                                      >  %t.in
RUN: echo 'CHECK: foo'                               >  %t.chk
RUN: echo 'letters then space MY-PREFIX: CHECK: bar' >> %t.chk
RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: FileCheck -vv %t.chk -comment-prefixes=MY-PREFIX < %t.in 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=SUPPRESSES-CHECKS -DCHECK_LINE=1 %s

COM: Check the case of multiple user-specified comment prefixes.
RUN: echo 'foo'               >  %t.in
RUN: echo 'Bar_2: CHECK: Bar' >  %t.chk
RUN: echo 'CHECK: foo'        >> %t.chk
RUN: echo 'Foo_1: CHECK: Foo' >> %t.chk
RUN: echo 'Baz_3: CHECK: Baz' >> %t.chk
RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: FileCheck -vv %t.chk -comment-prefixes=Foo_1,Bar_2 \
RUN:           -comment-prefixes=Baz_3 < %t.in 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=SUPPRESSES-CHECKS -DCHECK_LINE=2 %s

SUPPRESSES-CHECKS: .chk:[[CHECK_LINE]]:8: remark: CHECK: expected string found 
in input

Comment at: llvm/test/FileCheck/comment.txt:2
+// Comment directives successfully comment out check directives.
+// Check all default comment prefixes.
jhenderson wrote:
> Don't prefix empty lines.
I was doing that to keep related lines together in a block, but I can use 
"-----" lines to separate blocks instead, as shown in my reply above.

Comment at: llvm/test/FileCheck/comment.txt:10-11
+// RUN: echo 'RUN:echo "CHECK: baz"' >> %t.chk
+// RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput FileCheck -vv %t.chk < %t.in 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=SUPPRESSES-CHECKS -DCHECK_LINE=2 %s
jhenderson wrote:
> I have a personal preference for multi-line commands like this to be 
> formatted like this:
> ```
> // RUN: <command> <args> ... | \
> // RUN:   <next command> <args> ...
> ```
> with the `|` and `\` on the same line, to show that the next line is the 
> start of a new command (as opposed to just being more arguments for that 
> line), and the extra two space indentation showing that the line is a 
> continuation of the previous.
Has the community ever discussed a preferred style for the LLVM coding 
standards?  I don't have strong feelings about what we choose, but settling on 
one standard would be nice.

Comment at: llvm/test/FileCheck/comment.txt:143-147
+// Check user-supplied check prefix that duplicates a default comment prefix.
+// RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput not FileCheck /dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 \
+// RUN:                                      -check-prefixes=FOO,COM \
+// RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PREFIX-DUP-COMMENT %s
+// CHECK-PREFIX-DUP-COMMENT: error: supplied check prefix must be unique among 
check prefixes and comment prefixes: 'COM'
jhenderson wrote:
> I would naively expect --check-prefixes=FOO,COM to work, and disable the 
> comment prefix. Is that complicated to implement?
It's probably not complicated to implement.

However, there can already be much confusion over check prefixes, and people 
keep proposing diagnostics to catch mistakes: which check prefixes are enabled, 
what text is intended to be directives vs. comments, undefined prefixes, unused 
prefixes, what prefixes are mistyped.  The motivation for a comment directive 
is to address part of this confusion.  But I don't want to extend the confusion 
along a new dimension by forcing people to have to also figure out what comment 
prefixes are in effect.  Instead, I think it would be good for LLVM test suites 
to settle on a single comment style and stick with it as much as possible.  The 
documentation I wrote specifically discourages using `-comment-prefixes` unless 
you're working in some test environment where the default comment prefixes just 
aren't appropriate.

Following this reasoning, I don't think it should be possible to quietly and 
perhaps accidentally override the default comment prefixes via 
`-check-prefixes`.  You should have to do so explicitly with 

What do you think?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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