gribozavr2 added a comment.

I think it makes sense to align the documentation and the definition of 
IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource, I'm just not sure which component we should change 
-- the documentation or the implementation.

Making IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource not match template instantiations is a nice 
and simple mental model. However, I'm not sure it is more useful in practice, 
and here's why. Processing non-instantiated templates is generally very 
difficult to do correctly: major parts of AST semantics are still unknown, and 
the parts that can be known are not reliably available. Clang does not provide 
guarantees about what parts of the template AST are type checked and what are 
not (I think there are only aspirations), so AST matchers that work in simple 
tests (where Clang decides to type check more expressions) could fail in more 
complex templates (where Clang decides to type check less). Generally, 
processing non-instantiated templates is difficult for the same reasons that 
make analyzing macro definitions difficult. Analyzing macro definitions is so 
difficult that tools generally don't do it at all and analyze expansions 
instead. Analyzing template definitions is more tractable (at least we have 
some AST nodes), but still, in practice, I'd generally recommend people to 
analyze template instantiations instead and if they need to perform a 
refactoring (like renaming a method), trying to cross-reference information 
across multiple template instantiations.

If IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource is indeed for novice users (and not to be 
strictly interpreted as "it does what it says") we should think about whether 
it more useful to ignore instantiations or to match in instantiations.

For example, imagine someone who is trying to find usages of a certain function 
in their codebase by writing a matcher (for example so that they can rename it, 
or delete as dead code or whatever -- "find usages" is a very common first 
step). A matcher in IgnoreUnlessSpelledInSource mode  that ignores 
instantiations could find no matches when in fact there are usages from 
templates. The user deletes the function, and in the best case they get a 
compilation error (and frustration because the AST matchers lied to them), or 
in the worst case due to the magic of overload resolution and ADL the code 
still compiles, but calls a different function that was in the overload set.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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