leonardchan added a comment.

> It wouldn't just be restricted to fixed-point intrinsics, though. It would 
> have to be added to intrinsics like uadd.sat and usub.sat as well, which 
> aren't really tied to fixed-point at all.

Oh wait, sorry. I think I'm starting to understand now. You're saying that if 
you're using the padding bit in the first place, ISel shouldn't need to perform 
the underlying shift during integral promotions, but we do it anyway still. 
Yeah it seems a lot of this could be addressed simply by just using the 
corresponding signed intrinsics.

I guess I'd be ok with purely making this a clang change for now, but if other 
frontends see interest in the unsigned padding bit then we could migrate this 
to LLVM down the line.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/FixedPoint.cpp:143-158
+  // For codegen purposes, make unsigned with padding semantics signed instead.
+  // This means that we will generate signed operations. The result from these
+  // operations is defined, since ending up with a negative result is undefined
+  // for nonsaturating semantics, and for saturating semantics we will
+  // perform a clamp-to-zero in the last conversion to result semantics (since
+  // we are going from saturating signed to saturating unsigned).
+  //
ebevhan wrote:
> leonardchan wrote:
> > If this is exclusively for codegen purposes with binary operations, would 
> > it be clearer to move this to `EmitFixedPointBinOp`? If 
> > `UnsignedPaddingIsSigned` doesn't need to be used for stuff like constant 
> > evaluation, it might be clearer not to provide it for everyone.
> FixedPointSemantics is immutable except for saturation, unfortunately. I'd 
> end up having to reconstruct the semantics object from scratch immediately 
> after calling getCommonSemantics.

Minor nit: Could you rename the parameter to `UnsignedPaddingIsSignedForCG`? 
Just want to make it clearer that this should specifically be used for codegen 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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