leonardchan added a comment.

In D82663#2130355 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D82663#2130355>, @ebevhan wrote:

> Well, it's not so much as adding the bit, but adding the information that the 
> bit exists. That means either new intrinsics for all of the operations, or 
> adding flags to the existing ones. That's a fair bit of added complexity. 
> Also, <signed operation> + <clamp to zero> would do virtually the exact same 
> thing as the new unsigned-with-padding operations, so the utility of adding 
> all of it is a bit questionable.

Could the work involved just be adding the flags, then in 
`llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp` for unsigned 
operations, choosing between the signed/unsigned underlying `ISD` when lowering 
intrinsics to DAG? I think you could just pass the padding bit to 
`FixedPointIntrinsicToOpcode` and handle it from there. This is just off the 
top of my head so I could be missing other things.

I don't think this is necessarily the same as "legalizing" the intrinsic, but 
this would at least prevent frontends from second-guessing.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/FixedPoint.h:66
   /// given binary operation.
+  /// Is UnsignedPaddingIsSigned is true, unsigned semantics which would
+  /// otherwise have been unsigned will be signed instead. This is for codegen
Is -> If

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/FixedPoint.cpp:143-158
+  // For codegen purposes, make unsigned with padding semantics signed instead.
+  // This means that we will generate signed operations. The result from these
+  // operations is defined, since ending up with a negative result is undefined
+  // for nonsaturating semantics, and for saturating semantics we will
+  // perform a clamp-to-zero in the last conversion to result semantics (since
+  // we are going from saturating signed to saturating unsigned).
+  //
If this is exclusively for codegen purposes with binary operations, would it be 
clearer to move this to `EmitFixedPointBinOp`? If `UnsignedPaddingIsSigned` 
doesn't need to be used for stuff like constant evaluation, it might be clearer 
not to provide it for everyone.

Comment at: clang/test/Frontend/fixed_point_add.c:290-294
+  // UNSIGNED-NEXT: [[USA_EXT:%[a-z0-9]+]] = zext i16 [[USA]] to i40
+  // UNSIGNED-NEXT: [[I_EXT:%[a-z0-9]+]] = zext i32 [[I]] to i40
+  // UNSIGNED-NEXT: [[I:%[a-z0-9]+]] = shl i40 [[I_EXT]], 7
+  // UNSIGNED-NEXT: [[SUM:%[0-9]+]] = add i40 [[USA_EXT]], [[I]]
+  // UNSIGNED-NEXT: [[RES:%[a-z0-9]+]] = trunc i40 [[SUM]] to i16
If this is a workaround for not being able to convey the padding bit to LLVM 
intrinsics, I think we should only limit changes to instances we would use 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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