lebedev.ri updated this revision to Diff 293678.
lebedev.ri edited the summary of this revision.
lebedev.ri added a comment.


There is a number of official open-source LGPL-3 implementations already:

- https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarTS/pull/378
- https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-java/pull/1385
- https://github.com/SonarSource/SonarJS/pull/449
- https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-php/pull/173

There are other open-source LGPL-3 implementations already:

- https://pypi.org/project/cognitive-complexity/ (MIT)
- https://github.com/rossmacarthur/complexity (APACHE/MIT)

There are other 3rd party implementations:

- https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/cognitive-complexity

Quite honestly, i do not understand how did the license question arose.
Would have it been fine if i based this on the open-source-licensed code?
Would have it not been? Would same license question be raised?
Somehow i don't think it would have been.

Is this really just about `Copyright SonarSource S.A., 2018, Switzerland. All 
content is copyright protected.` in 
https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf ?
But that is only about the document, not the algorithm.
But even if we enternain the idea that all of the implementations must bow to 
that license,
then surely this is not the first code in LLVM that is implicitly/explicitly 
based on copyrighted doc.

This is rather frustrating.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/test/clang-tidy/checkers/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/test/clang-tidy/checkers/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity %t -- -config='{CheckOptions: [{key: sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.Threshold, value: 0}]}' -- -std=c++11 -w
+// any function should be checked.
+extern int ext_func(int x = 0);
+int some_func(int x = 0);
+static int some_other_func(int x = 0) {}
+template<typename T> void some_templ_func(T x = 0) {}
+class SomeClass {
+  int *begin(int x = 0);
+  int *end(int x = 0);
+  static int func(int x = 0);
+  template<typename T> void some_templ_func(T x = 0) {}
+  SomeClass() = default;
+  SomeClass(SomeClass&) = delete;
+// nothing ever decreases cognitive complexity, so we can check all the things
+// in one go. none of the following should increase cognitive complexity:
+void unittest_false() {
+  {};
+  ext_func();
+  some_func();
+  some_other_func();
+  some_templ_func<int>();
+  some_templ_func<bool>();
+  SomeClass::func();
+  SomeClass C;
+  C.some_templ_func<int>();
+  C.some_templ_func<bool>();
+  C.func();
+  C.end();
+  int i = some_func();
+  i = i;
+  i++;
+  --i;
+  i < 0;
+  int j = 0 ?: 1;
+  auto k = new int;
+  delete k;
+  throw i;
+  {
+    throw i;
+  }
+  return;
+#if 1
+#define CC100
+// this macro has cognitive complexity of 100.
+// it is needed to be able to compare the testcases with the
+// reference Sonar implementation. please place it right after the first
+// CHECK-NOTES in each function
+#define CC100 if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){if(1){}}}}}if(1){}}}}}}}}}
+//------------------------------ B1. Increments ------------------------------//
+// Check that every thing listed in B1 of the specification does indeed       //
+// recieve the base increment, and that not-body does not increase nesting    //
+// break does not increase cognitive complexity.
+// only  break LABEL  does, but it is unavaliable in C or C++
+// continue does not increase cognitive complexity.
+// only  continue LABEL  does, but it is unavaliable in C or C++
+void unittest_b1_00() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_00' has cognitive complexity of 33 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:9: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:11: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    } else if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:18: note: +3, including nesting penalty of 2, nesting level increased to 3{{$}}
+    } else {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  } else if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: note: +1, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:16: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:11: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    } else if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:18: note: +3, including nesting penalty of 2, nesting level increased to 3{{$}}
+    } else {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  } else {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:11: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    } else if (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:18: note: +3, including nesting penalty of 2, nesting level increased to 3{{$}}
+    } else {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b1_01() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_01' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  int i = (1 ? 1 : 0) ? 1 : 0;
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:23: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:14: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+void unittest_b1_02(int x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_02' has cognitive complexity of 9 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  switch (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:13: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+  case -1:
+    return;
+  case 1 ? 1 : 0:
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    return;
+  case (1 ? 2 : 0) ... (1 ? 3 : 0):
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:11: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:27: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    return;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+void unittest_b1_03(int x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_03' has cognitive complexity of 7 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  for (x = 1 ? 1 : 0; x < (1 ? 1 : 0); x += 1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:14: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:30: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:47: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    break;
+    continue;
+  }
+void unittest_b1_04() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_04' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  SomeClass C;
+  for (int i : (1 ? C : C)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:19: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    break;
+    continue;
+  }
+void unittest_b1_05() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_05' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  while (1 ? 1 : 0) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:12: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    break;
+    continue;
+  }
+void unittest_b1_06() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_06' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  do {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    break;
+    continue;
+  } while (1 ? 1 : 0);
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:14: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+void unittest_b1_07() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_07' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  try {
+  } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  }
+void unittest_b1_08() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_08' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  goto end;
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1{{$}}
+  return;
+void unittest_b1_09_00() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_09_00' has cognitive complexity of 34 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if(1 && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && 1 && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:13: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if((1 && 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:15: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && (1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && 1 || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:13: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if((1 && 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:15: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:9: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && (1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:14: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || 1 || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:13: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if((1 || 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:15: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || (1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || 1 && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:13: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if((1 || 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:15: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:9: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || (1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:14: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+void unittest_b1_09_01() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_09_01' has cognitive complexity of 40 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if(1 && some_func(1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && some_func(1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && some_func(1 && 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && some_func(1 || 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 || 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 && 1) && 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && some_func(1 && 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && some_func(1 || 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 || 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || some_func(1 && 1) || 1) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:23: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+void unittest_b1_09_02() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b1_09_02' has cognitive complexity of 12 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if(1 && SomeClass::func(1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 && SomeClass::func(1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || SomeClass::func(1 || 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+  if(1 || SomeClass::func(1 && 1)) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:8: note: +1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:29: note: +1{{$}}
+  }
+// FIXME: each method in a recursion cycle
+//---------------------------- B2. Nesting lebel -----------------------------//
+// Check that every thing listed in B2 of the specification does indeed       //
+// increase the nesting level                                                 //
+void unittest_b2_00() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_00' has cognitive complexity of 9 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  } else if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: note: +1, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  } else {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b2_01() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_01' has cognitive complexity of 5 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  int i = 1 ? (1 ? 1 : 0) : (1 ? 1 : 0);
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:13: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:18: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-3]]:32: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+void unittest_b2_02(int x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_02' has cognitive complexity of 5 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  switch (x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  case -1:
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+    return;
+  default:
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+void unittest_b2_03() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_03' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  for (;;) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b2_04() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_04' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  SomeClass C;
+  for (int i : C) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b2_05() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_05' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  while (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b2_06() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_06' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  do {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  } while (true);
+void unittest_b2_07() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_07' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  try {
+  } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if(true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b2_08_00() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_08_00' has cognitive complexity of 8 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  class X {
+    X() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    ~X() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    void Y() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    static void Z() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-36]]:5: warning: function 'X' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-33]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-30]]:5: warning: function '~X' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-27]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-24]]:10: warning: function 'Y' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-21]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-18]]:17: warning: function 'Z' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-15]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  };
+void unittest_b2_08_01() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_08_01' has cognitive complexity of 8 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  struct X {
+    X() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    ~X() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    void Y() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+    static void Z() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+      CC100;
+      if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+      }
+    }
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-36]]:5: warning: function 'X' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-33]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-30]]:5: warning: function '~X' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-27]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-24]]:10: warning: function 'Y' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-21]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-18]]:17: warning: function 'Z' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-15]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  };
+void unittest_b2_08_02() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b2_08_02' has cognitive complexity of 2 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  auto fun = []() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:14: note: nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  };
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-6]]:14: warning: function 'operator()' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-5]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+//-------------------------- B2. Nesting increments --------------------------//
+// Check that every thing listed in B3 of the specification does indeed       //
+// recieve the penalty of the current nesting level                           //
+void unittest_b3_00() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_00' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b3_01() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_01' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    int i = 1 ? 1 : 0;
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+  }
+void unittest_b3_02(int x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_02' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    switch (x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    case -1:
+      return;
+    default:
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b3_03() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_03' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    for (;;) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b3_04() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_04' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    SomeClass C;
+    for (int i : C) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b3_05() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_05' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    while (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void unittest_b3_06() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_06' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    do {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    } while (true);
+  }
+void unittest_b3_07() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'unittest_b3_07' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  if (true) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+// Check that functions are being checked                                     //
+class CheckClass {
+  CheckClass(int x) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'CheckClass' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void PrivateMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'PrivateMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void PrivateConstMemberFunction() const {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'PrivateConstMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  static void PrivateStaticMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: function 'PrivateStaticMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  CheckClass() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'CheckClass' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  operator bool() const {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'operator bool' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  ~CheckClass() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function '~CheckClass' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void PublicMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'PublicMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void PublicConstMemberFunction() const {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'PublicConstMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  static void PublicStaticMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: function 'PublicStaticMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void PublicFunctionDefinition();
+  CheckClass(bool b) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: function 'CheckClass' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void ProtectedMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'ProtectedMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  void ProtectedConstMemberFunction() const {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: function 'ProtectedConstMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+  static void ProtectedStaticMemberFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: function 'ProtectedStaticMemberFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+    CC100;
+    try {
+    } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+    }
+  }
+void CheckClass::PublicFunctionDefinition() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:18: warning: function 'PublicFunctionDefinition' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  try {
+  } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  }
+#define uglyfunctionmacro(name)                                                \
+  void name() {                                                                \
+    CC100;                                                                     \
+                                                                               \
+    if (true) {                                                                \
+      try {                                                                    \
+      } catch (...) {                                                          \
+      }                                                                        \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:19: warning: function 'MacroFunction' has cognitive complexity of 3 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-2]]:1: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-10]]:5: note: expanded from macro 'uglyfunctionmacro'
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-4]]:1: note: +2, including nesting penalty of 1, nesting level increased to 2
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-10]]:9: note: expanded from macro 'uglyfunctionmacro'
+template<typename T>
+void templatedFunction() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'templatedFunction' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  try {
+  } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  }
+void templatedFunction<bool>() {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:6: warning: function 'templatedFunction<bool>' has cognitive complexity of 1 (threshold 0) [sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity]
+  CC100;
+  try {
+  } catch (...) {
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:5: note: +1, including nesting penalty of 0, nesting level increased to 1{{$}}
+  }
+template void templatedFunction<int>();
+void functionThatCallsTemplatedFunctions() {
+  templatedFunction<int>();
+  templatedFunction<bool>();
+  templatedFunction<char>();
+  templatedFunction<void*>();
Index: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+.. title:: clang-tidy - sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity
+Checks function Cognitive Complexity metric.
+The metric is implemented as per the `COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY by SonarSource
+<https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf>`_ specification
+version 1.2 (19 April 2017).
+.. option:: Threshold
+   Flag functions with Cognitive Complexity exceeding this number.
+   The default is `25`.
+Building blocks
+There are three basic building blocks of a Cognitive Complexity metric:
+The following structures increase the function's Cognitive Complexity metric
+(by `1`):
+* Conditional operators:
+   - ``if()``
+   - ``else if()``
+   - ``else``
+   - ``cond ? true : false``
+* ``switch()``
+* Loops:
+   - ``for()``
+   - C++11 range-based ``for()``
+   - ``while()``
+   - ``do while()``
+* ``catch ()``
+* ``goto LABEL``
+* sequences of binary logical operators:
+   - ``boolean1 || boolean2``
+   - ``boolean1 && boolean2``
+Nesting level
+While by itself the nesting level not change the function's Cognitive Complexity
+metric, it is tracked, and is used by the next, third building block.
+The following structures increase the nesting level (by `1`):
+* Conditional operators:
+   - ``if()``
+   - ``else if()``
+   - ``else``
+   - ``cond ? true : false``
+* ``switch()``
+* Loops:
+   - ``for()``
+   - C++11 range-based ``for()``
+   - ``while()``
+   - ``do while()``
+* ``catch ()``
+* Nested functions:
+   - C++11 Lambda
+   - Nested ``class``
+   - Nested ``struct``
+Nesting increment
+This is where the previous basic building block, `Nesting level`_, matters.
+The following structures increase the function's Cognitive Complexity metric by
+the current `Nesting level`_:
+* Conditional operators:
+   - ``if()``
+   - ``cond ? true : false``
+* ``switch()``
+* Loops:
+   - ``for()``
+   - C++11 range-based ``for()``
+   - ``while()``
+   - ``do while()``
+* ``catch ()``
+The simplest case. This function has Cognitive Complexity of `0`.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  void function0() {}
+Slightly better example. This function has Cognitive Complexity of `1`.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  int function1(bool var) {
+    if(var) // +1, nesting level +1
+      return 42;
+    return 0;
+  }
+Full example. This function has Cognitive Complexity of `3`.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  int function3(bool var1, bool var2) {
+    if(var1) { // +1, nesting level +1
+      if(var2)  // +2 (1 + current nesting level of 1), nesting level +1
+        return 42;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+The metric is implemented with two notable exceptions:
+   * `preprocessor conditionals` (``#ifdef``, ``#if``, ``#elif``, ``#else``,
+     ``#endif``) are not accounted for.
+   * `each method in a recursion cycle` is not accounted for. It can't be fully
+     implemented, because cross-translational-unit analysis would be needed,
+     which is currently not possible in clang-tidy.
Index: clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
--- clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
+++ clang-tools-extra/docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
@@ -305,6 +305,7 @@
    `readability-uniqueptr-delete-release <readability-uniqueptr-delete-release.html>`_, "Yes"
    `readability-uppercase-literal-suffix <readability-uppercase-literal-suffix.html>`_, "Yes"
    `readability-use-anyofallof <readability-use-anyofallof.html>`_,
+   `sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity <sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.html>`_,
    `zircon-temporary-objects <zircon-temporary-objects.html>`_,
Index: clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ clang-tools-extra/docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@
   Finds condition variables in nested ``if`` statements that were also checked
   in the outer ``if`` statement and were not changed.
+- New :doc:`sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity
+  <clang-tidy/checks/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity>`_ check
+  Flags functions with Cognitive Complexity metric exceeding the configured limit.
 Changes in existing checks
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/SONARSOURCETidyModule.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/SONARSOURCETidyModule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//===--- SONARSOURCETidyModule.cpp - clang-tidy ---------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "../ClangTidy.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyModule.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyModuleRegistry.h"
+#include "FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace sonarsource {
+class SONARSOURCEModule : public ClangTidyModule {
+  void addCheckFactories(ClangTidyCheckFactories &CheckFactories) override {
+    CheckFactories.registerCheck<FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck>(
+        "sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity");
+  }
+} // namespace sonarsource
+// Register the SONARSOURCEModule using this statically initialized variable.
+static ClangTidyModuleRegistry::Add<sonarsource::SONARSOURCEModule> X(
+    "sonarsource-module",
+    "Adds lint checks corresponding to SONARSOURCE secure coding guidelines.");
+// This anchor is used to force the linker to link in the generated object file
+// and thus register the SONARSOURCEModule.
+volatile int SONARSOURCEModuleAnchorSource = 0;
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/LICENSE.TXT
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/LICENSE.TXT
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+clang-tidy SONARSOURCE Files
+All clang-tidy files are licensed under the LLVM license with the following
+Any file referencing a SONARSOURCE Cognitive Complexity metric:
+COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY A new way of measuring understandability
+as per https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf
+From: Olivier Gaudin <olivier.gau...@sonarsource.com>
+Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 07:06:11 +0000
+Message-ID: <caebepr3xrhrogko8sy+uzjo9cxx-wchbp0rxnkcxresfek7...@mail.gmail.com>
+Subject: Re: A question about CognitiveComplexity.pdf legal status
+To: Roman Lebedev <lebedev...@gmail.com>, i...@sonarsource.com
+> Hello Roman,
+> It would not, and I would be happy to be notified once done.
+> Thanks
+> Olivier
+On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 6:17 PM Roman Lebedev <lebedev...@gmail.com> wrote:
+> Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 19:17:05 +0300
+> Message-ID: <cadoyv_7f8-hjjdjsv3xwwv35n4i42keoabb8ofjsbaov4bb...@mail.gmail.com>
+> Subject: A question about CognitiveComplexity.pdf legal status
+> From: Roman Lebedev <lebedev...@gmail.com>
+> To: i...@sonarsource.com
+> Hi.
+> I would like to know, what is the legal status of
+> https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf ?
+> If i (or someone else) is to implement the Specification described in
+> that paper,
+> which will produce the same results as the Cognitive Complexity in
+> SonarSource
+> as part of some other static analyzer, for example as a LLVM's clang-tidy
+> check,
+> would that be illegal thing to do?
+> Roman.
+*Olivier Gaudin | **SonarSource*
+*CEO & Co-Founder*
+*+41 (0)22 510 2424*
+Please see https://reviews.llvm.org/D36836#877642 for the full email.
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+//===--- FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h - clang-tidy --------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "../ClangTidyCheck.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyOptions.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+class ClangTidyContext;
+} // namespace clang
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace sonarsource {
+/// Checks function Cognitive Complexity metric.
+/// There is only one configuration option:
+///   * `Threshold` - flag functions with Cognitive Complexity exceeding
+///     this number. The default is `25`.
+/// For the user-facing documentation see:
+/// http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.html
+class FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck : public ClangTidyCheck {
+  FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck(StringRef Name, ClangTidyContext *Context);
+  void storeOptions(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Opts) override;
+  void registerMatchers(ast_matchers::MatchFinder *Finder) override;
+  void check(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override;
+  const unsigned Threshold;
+} // namespace sonarsource
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+//===--- FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.cpp - clang-tidy ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
+#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersInternal.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <stack>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace sonarsource {
+namespace {
+struct CognitiveComplexity final {
+  // Any increment is based on some combination of reasons.
+  // For details you can look at the Specification at
+  // https://www.sonarsource.com/docs/CognitiveComplexity.pdf
+  // or user-facing docs at
+  // http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/sonarsource-function-cognitive-complexity.html
+  // Here are all the possible reasons:
+  enum Criteria : uint8_t {
+    None = 0U,
+    // B1, increases cognitive complexity (by 1)
+    // What causes it:
+    // * if, else if, else, ConditionalOperator (not BinaryConditionalOperator)
+    // * SwitchStmt
+    // * ForStmt, CXXForRangeStmt
+    // * WhileStmt, DoStmt
+    // * CXXCatchStmt
+    // * GotoStmt (but not BreakStmt, ContinueStmt)
+    // * sequences of binary logical operators (BinOpLAnd, BinOpLOr)
+    // * each method in a recursion cycle (not implemented)
+    Increment = 1U << 0,
+    // B2, increases current nesting level (by 1)
+    // What causes it:
+    // * if, else if, else, ConditionalOperator (not BinaryConditionalOperator)
+    // * SwitchStmt
+    // * ForStmt, CXXForRangeStmt
+    // * WhileStmt, DoStmt
+    // * CXXCatchStmt
+    // * nested CXXConstructor, CXXDestructor, CXXMethod (incl. C++11 Lambda)
+    IncrementNesting = 1U << 1,
+    // B3, increases cognitive complexity by the current nesting level
+    // Applied before IncrementNesting
+    // What causes it:
+    // * IfStmt, ConditionalOperator (not BinaryConditionalOperator)
+    // * SwitchStmt
+    // * ForStmt, CXXForRangeStmt
+    // * WhileStmt, DoStmt
+    // * CXXCatchStmt
+    PenalizeNesting = 1U << 2,
+    All = Increment | PenalizeNesting | IncrementNesting,
+  };
+  // The helper struct used to record one increment occurrence, with all the
+  // details nessesary.
+  struct Detail {
+    const SourceLocation Loc;     // What caused the increment?
+    const unsigned short Nesting; // How deeply nested is Loc located?
+    const Criteria C;             // The criteria of the increment
+    // Criteria only uses three bits, so uint8_t is used as an underlying type.
+    // We could make C a bitfield, but then we would not save anything because
+    // of the padding for alignment, and also we would have to worry about
+    // the differences between compilers.
+    Detail(SourceLocation SLoc, unsigned short CurrentNesting, Criteria Crit)
+        : Loc(SLoc), Nesting(CurrentNesting), C(Crit) {}
+    // To minimize the sizeof(Detail), we only store the minimal info there.
+    // This function is used to convert from the stored info into the usable
+    // information - what message to output, how much of an increment did this
+    // occurrence actually result in.
+    std::pair<unsigned, unsigned short> process() const {
+      assert(C != Criteria::None && "invalid criteria");
+      unsigned MsgId;           // The id of the message to output.
+      unsigned short Increment; // How much of an increment?
+      if (C == Criteria::All) {
+        Increment = 1 + Nesting;
+        MsgId = 0;
+      } else if (C == (Criteria::Increment | Criteria::IncrementNesting)) {
+        Increment = 1;
+        MsgId = 1;
+      } else if (C == Criteria::Increment) {
+        Increment = 1;
+        MsgId = 2;
+      } else if (C == Criteria::IncrementNesting) {
+        Increment = 0; // Unused in this message.
+        MsgId = 3;
+      } else
+        llvm_unreachable("should not get to here.");
+      return std::make_pair(MsgId, Increment);
+    }
+  };
+  // Limit of 25 is the "upstream"'s default.
+  static constexpr unsigned DefaultLimit = 25U;
+  // Based on the publicly-avaliable numbers for some big open-source projects
+  // https://sonarcloud.io/projects?languages=c%2Ccpp&size=5   we can estimate:
+  // value ~20 would result in no allocs for 98% of functions, ~12 for 96%, ~10
+  // for 91%, ~8 for 88%, ~6 for 84%, ~4 for 77%, ~2 for 64%, and ~1 for 37%.
+  static_assert(sizeof(Detail) <= 8,
+                "Since we use SmallVector to minimize the amount of "
+                "allocations, we also need to consider the price we pay for "
+                "that in terms of stack usage. "
+                "Thus, it is good to minimize the size of the Detail struct.");
+  SmallVector<Detail, DefaultLimit> Details; // 25 elements is 200 bytes.
+  // Yes, 25 is a magic number. This is the seemingly-sane default for the
+  // upper limit for function cognitive complexity. Thus it would make sense
+  // to avoid allocations for any function that does not violate the limit.
+  // The grand total Cognitive Complexity of the function.
+  unsigned Total = 0;
+  // The function used to store new increment, calculate the total complexity.
+  void account(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned short Nesting, Criteria C);
+// All the possible messages that can be outputed. The choice of the message
+// to use is based of the combination of the CognitiveComplexity::Criteria's.
+// It would be nice to have it in CognitiveComplexity struct, but then it is
+// not static.
+static const std::array<const StringRef, 4> Msgs = {{
+    // B1 + B2 + B3
+    "+%0, including nesting penalty of %1, nesting level increased to %2",
+    // B1 + B2
+    "+%0, nesting level increased to %2",
+    // B1
+    "+%0",
+    // B2
+    "nesting level increased to %2",
+// Criteria is a bitset, thus a few helpers are needed.
+CognitiveComplexity::Criteria operator|(CognitiveComplexity::Criteria LHS,
+                                        CognitiveComplexity::Criteria RHS) {
+  return static_cast<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>(
+      static_cast<std::underlying_type<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>::type>(
+          LHS) |
+      static_cast<std::underlying_type<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>::type>(
+          RHS));
+CognitiveComplexity::Criteria operator&(CognitiveComplexity::Criteria LHS,
+                                        CognitiveComplexity::Criteria RHS) {
+  return static_cast<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>(
+      static_cast<std::underlying_type<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>::type>(
+          LHS) &
+      static_cast<std::underlying_type<CognitiveComplexity::Criteria>::type>(
+          RHS));
+CognitiveComplexity::Criteria &operator|=(CognitiveComplexity::Criteria &LHS,
+                                          CognitiveComplexity::Criteria RHS) {
+  LHS = operator|(LHS, RHS);
+  return LHS;
+CognitiveComplexity::Criteria &operator&=(CognitiveComplexity::Criteria &LHS,
+                                          CognitiveComplexity::Criteria RHS) {
+  LHS = operator&(LHS, RHS);
+  return LHS;
+void CognitiveComplexity::account(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned short Nesting,
+                                  Criteria C) {
+  C &= Criteria::All;
+  assert(C != Criteria::None && "invalid criteria");
+  Details.emplace_back(Loc, Nesting, C);
+  const Detail &D = Details.back();
+  unsigned MsgId;
+  unsigned short Increase;
+  std::tie(MsgId, Increase) = D.process();
+  Total += Increase;
+class FunctionASTVisitor final
+    : public RecursiveASTVisitor<FunctionASTVisitor> {
+  using Base = RecursiveASTVisitor<FunctionASTVisitor>;
+  // The current nesting level (increased by Criteria::IncrementNesting).
+  unsigned short CurrentNestingLevel = 0;
+  // Used to efficiently know the last type of binary sequence operator that
+  // was encountered. It would make sense for the function call to start the
+  // new sequence, thus it is a stack.
+  using OBO = Optional<BinaryOperator::Opcode>;
+  std::stack<OBO, SmallVector<OBO, 4>> BinaryOperatorsStack;
+  bool TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Stmt *Node) {
+    ++CurrentNestingLevel;
+    bool ShouldContinue = Base::TraverseStmt(Node);
+    --CurrentNestingLevel;
+    return ShouldContinue;
+  }
+  bool TraverseDeclWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Decl *Node) {
+    ++CurrentNestingLevel;
+    bool ShouldContinue = Base::TraverseDecl(Node);
+    --CurrentNestingLevel;
+    return ShouldContinue;
+  }
+  bool TraverseIfStmt(IfStmt *Node, bool InElseIf = false) {
+    if (!Node)
+      return Base::TraverseIfStmt(Node);
+    {
+      CognitiveComplexity::Criteria Reasons;
+      Reasons = CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::None;
+      // "If" increases cognitive complexity.
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::Increment;
+      // "If" increases nesting level.
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::IncrementNesting;
+      if (!InElseIf) {
+        // "If" receives a nesting increment commensurate with it's nested
+        // depth, if it is not part of "else if".
+        Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::PenalizeNesting;
+      }
+      CC.account(Node->getIfLoc(), CurrentNestingLevel, Reasons);
+    }
+    // If this IfStmt is *NOT* "else if", then only the body (i.e. "Then" and
+    // "Else") is traversed with increased Nesting level.
+    // However if this IfStmt *IS* "else if", then Nesting level is increased
+    // for the whole IfStmt (i.e. for "Init", "Cond", "Then" and "Else").
+    if (!InElseIf) {
+      if (!TraverseStmt(Node->getInit()))
+        return false;
+      if (!TraverseStmt(Node->getCond()))
+        return false;
+    } else {
+      if (!TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node->getInit()))
+        return false;
+      if (!TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node->getCond()))
+        return false;
+    }
+    // "Then" always increases nesting level.
+    if (!TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node->getThen()))
+      return false;
+    if (!Node->getElse())
+      return true;
+    if (auto *E = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(Node->getElse()))
+      return TraverseIfStmt(E, true);
+    {
+      CognitiveComplexity::Criteria Reasons;
+      Reasons = CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::None;
+      // "Else" increases cognitive complexity.
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::Increment;
+      // "Else" increases nesting level.
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::IncrementNesting;
+      // "Else" DOES NOT receive a nesting increment commensurate with it's
+      // nested depth.
+      CC.account(Node->getElseLoc(), CurrentNestingLevel, Reasons);
+    }
+    // "Else" always increases nesting level.
+    return TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node->getElse());
+  }
+// The currently-being-processed stack entry, which is always the top.
+#define CurrentBinaryOperator BinaryOperatorsStack.top()
+  // In a sequence of binary logical operators, if the new operator is different
+  // from the previous one, then the cognitive complexity is increased.
+  bool TraverseBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *Op) {
+    if (!Op || !Op->isLogicalOp())
+      return Base::TraverseBinaryOperator(Op);
+    // Make sure that there is always at least one frame in the stack.
+    if (BinaryOperatorsStack.empty())
+      BinaryOperatorsStack.emplace();
+    // If this is the first binary operator that we are processing, or the
+    // previous binary operator was different, there is an increment.
+    if (!CurrentBinaryOperator || Op->getOpcode() != CurrentBinaryOperator)
+      CC.account(Op->getOperatorLoc(), CurrentNestingLevel,
+                 CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::Increment);
+    // We might encounter a function call, which starts a new sequence, thus
+    // we need to save the current previous binary operator.
+    const Optional<BinaryOperator::Opcode> BinOpCopy(CurrentBinaryOperator);
+    // Record the operator that we are currently processing and traverse it.
+    CurrentBinaryOperator = Op->getOpcode();
+    bool ShouldContinue = Base::TraverseBinaryOperator(Op);
+    // And restore the previous binary operator, which might be nonexistent.
+    CurrentBinaryOperator = BinOpCopy;
+    return ShouldContinue;
+  }
+  // It would make sense for the function call to start the new binary
+  // operator sequence, thus let's make sure that it creates a new stack frame.
+  bool TraverseCallExpr(CallExpr *Node) {
+    // If we are not currently processing any binary operator sequence, then
+    // no Node-handling is needed.
+    if (!Node || BinaryOperatorsStack.empty() || !CurrentBinaryOperator)
+      return Base::TraverseCallExpr(Node);
+    // Else, do add [uninitialized] frame to the stack, and traverse call.
+    BinaryOperatorsStack.emplace();
+    bool ShouldContinue = Base::TraverseCallExpr(Node);
+    // And remove the top frame.
+    BinaryOperatorsStack.pop();
+    return ShouldContinue;
+  }
+#undef CurrentBinaryOperator
+  bool TraverseStmt(Stmt *Node) {
+    if (!Node)
+      return Base::TraverseStmt(Node);
+    // Three following switch()'es have huge duplication, but it is better to
+    // keep them separate, to simplify comparing them with the Specification.
+    CognitiveComplexity::Criteria Reasons = CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::None;
+    SourceLocation Location = Node->getBeginLoc();
+    // B1. Increments
+    // There is an increment for each of the following:
+    switch (Node->getStmtClass()) {
+    // if, else if, else are handled in TraverseIfStmt(),
+    // FIXME: "each method in a recursion cycle" Increment is not implemented.
+    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
+    case Stmt::SwitchStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::ForStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXForRangeStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::WhileStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::DoStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXCatchStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::GotoStmtClass:
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::Increment;
+      break;
+    default:
+      // break LABEL, continue LABEL increase cognitive complexity,
+      // but they are not supported in C++ or C.
+      // Regular break/continue do not increase cognitive complexity.
+      break;
+    }
+    // B2. Nesting level
+    // The following structures increment the nesting level:
+    switch (Node->getStmtClass()) {
+    // if, else if, else are handled in TraverseIfStmt(),
+    // Nested methods and such are handled in TraverseDecl.
+    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
+    case Stmt::SwitchStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::ForStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXForRangeStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::WhileStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::DoStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXCatchStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::LambdaExprClass:
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::IncrementNesting;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    // B3. Nesting increments
+    // The following structures receive a nesting increment
+    // commensurate with their nested depth inside B2 structures:
+    switch (Node->getStmtClass()) {
+    // if, else if, else are handled in TraverseIfStmt().
+    case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
+    case Stmt::SwitchStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::ForStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXForRangeStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::WhileStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::DoStmtClass:
+    case Stmt::CXXCatchStmtClass:
+      Reasons |= CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::PenalizeNesting;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    if (Node->getStmtClass() == Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass) {
+      // A little beautification.
+      // For conditional operator "cond ? true : false" point at the "?"
+      // symbol.
+      ConditionalOperator *COp = dyn_cast<ConditionalOperator>(Node);
+      Location = COp->getQuestionLoc();
+    }
+    // If we have found any reasons, let's account it.
+    if (Reasons & CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::All)
+      CC.account(Location, CurrentNestingLevel, Reasons);
+    // Did we decide that the nesting level should be increased?
+    if (!(Reasons & CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::IncrementNesting))
+      return Base::TraverseStmt(Node);
+    return TraverseStmtWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node);
+  }
+  // The parameter MainAnalyzedFunction is needed to differentiate between the
+  // cases where TraverseDecl() is the entry point from
+  // FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck::check() and the cases where it was called
+  // from the FunctionASTVisitor itself. Explanation: if we get a function
+  // definition (e.g. constructor, destructor, method), the Cognitive Complexity
+  // specification states that the Nesting level shall be increased. But if this
+  // function is the entry point, then the Nesting level should not be
+  // increased. Thus that parameter is there and is used to fall-through
+  // directly to traversing if this is the main function that is being analyzed.
+  bool TraverseDecl(Decl *Node, bool MainAnalyzedFunction = false) {
+    if (!Node || MainAnalyzedFunction)
+      return Base::TraverseDecl(Node);
+    // B2. Nesting level
+    // The following structures increment the nesting level:
+    switch (Node->getKind()) {
+    case Decl::Function:
+    case Decl::CXXMethod:
+    case Decl::CXXConstructor:
+    case Decl::CXXDestructor:
+      break;
+    default:
+      // If this is something else, we use early return!
+      return Base::TraverseDecl(Node);
+      break;
+    }
+    CC.account(Node->getBeginLoc(), CurrentNestingLevel,
+               CognitiveComplexity::Criteria::IncrementNesting);
+    return TraverseDeclWithIncreasedNestingLevel(Node);
+  }
+  CognitiveComplexity CC;
+} // namespace
+    StringRef Name, ClangTidyContext *Context)
+    : ClangTidyCheck(Name, Context),
+      Threshold(Options.get("Threshold", CognitiveComplexity::DefaultLimit)) {}
+void FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck::storeOptions(
+    ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Opts) {
+  Options.store(Opts, "Threshold", Threshold);
+void FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      functionDecl(
+          allOf(isDefinition(), unless(anyOf(isDefaulted(), isDeleted(),
+                                             isImplicit(), isInstantiated()))))
+          .bind("func"),
+      this);
+void FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck::check(
+    const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
+  const auto *Func = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("func");
+  assert(Func->hasBody() && "The matchers should only match the functions that "
+                            "have user-provided body.");
+  FunctionASTVisitor Visitor;
+  Visitor.TraverseDecl(const_cast<FunctionDecl *>(Func), true);
+  if (Visitor.CC.Total <= Threshold)
+    return;
+  diag(Func->getLocation(),
+       "function %0 has cognitive complexity of %1 (threshold %2)")
+      << Func << Visitor.CC.Total << Threshold;
+  // Output all the basic increments of complexity.
+  for (const auto &Detail : Visitor.CC.Details) {
+    unsigned MsgId;          // The id of the message to output.
+    unsigned short Increase; // How much of an increment?
+    std::tie(MsgId, Increase) = Detail.process();
+    assert(MsgId < Msgs.size() && "MsgId should always be valid");
+    // Increase, on the other hand, can be 0.
+    diag(Detail.Loc, Msgs[MsgId], DiagnosticIDs::Note)
+        << Increase << Detail.Nesting << 1 + Detail.Nesting;
+  }
+} // namespace sonarsource
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/CMakeLists.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/sonarsource/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  SONARSOURCETidyModule.cpp
+  FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.cpp
+  clangAST
+  clangASTMatchers
+  clangBasic
+  clangLex
+  clangTidy
+  clangTidyUtils
+  clangTooling
+  )
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
@@ -128,6 +128,11 @@
 static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ReadabilityModuleAnchorDestination =
+// This anchor is used to force the linker to link the SONARSOURCEModule.
+extern volatile int SONARSOURCEModuleAnchorSource;
+static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED SONARSOURCEModuleAnchorDestination =
+    SONARSOURCEModuleAnchorSource;
 // This anchor is used to force the linker to link the ZirconModule.
 extern volatile int ZirconModuleAnchorSource;
 static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ZirconModuleAnchorDestination =
Index: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
+  clangTidySONARSOURCEModule
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