mgartmann added a comment.

In D99646#2661651 <>, @njames93 wrote:

> Is it not wise to also check the c standard library.
> So check for function refs to these names in the global or std namespace.
> `printf`, `vprintf`, `puts`, `putchar`, `scanf`, `scanf`, `getchar` and `gets`
> It may be a bit of a pain checking for usages of `stdin` and  `stdout` due to 
> them being defined as macros.

Hi @njames93,
I can see your point, I am going to add this functionality.

However, I do not completely understand what you mean with //check for function 
refs to these names in the global or std namespace//.  
Could you explain this a bit further?

E.g., should all calls to these functions be flagged if they happen inside the 
`std` namespace or in the `global` namespace?
And if they happen inside `my_namespace` e.g., they should not be flagged. Am I 
understanding this correctly?
How should the check behave if the functions are called inside `main()`?

Would it make more sense to put this functionality into a separat check?

Thanks for your effort in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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